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Auto-Rules Facebook
Updated over a week ago

🧐What is an Auto-Rule?

Auto Rules is a tool that allows you to respond quickly to set conditions and make changes to your campaigns, groups, or ads. You can use them to manage budgets and rates, suspend ads, or run them at the time you want.

👨‍💻Creating Auto-Rules

To create an auto-rule, go to the start menu of Dolphin and select "Auto-Rules", then click on "Create Rule" and proceed to create it. The rule is created in the same way we usually do it in Ads Manager Facebook

When creating a rule, you can specify:

  • Rule type: Scheduled

  • Frequency: The time at which the action will be performed, you can specify your

  • What do I work with?: Ads, Adset, Company

  • What statuses to take?: Ads, Adset, Company statuses

  • What to do?: Specify the action to perform with the above items

  • Stat Period: Period of stats for Ads, Adsets, Companies, which will be relied upon Condition.

  • Condition: Here you specify the condition under which the above action will be performed

You can also create a group of auto-rules here, which will help you to consistently fix the actions of the rules. For example, stop the Announcement at the right time and run it at the right time for you.

An important point when creating auto-rules: you need to make sure they all work at the same level. That is, if you turn off expensive ads, then the next day your auto-rule should include not a campaign or group of ads, but also work at the level of ads.

🤗Examples of Auto-Rules:

  1. Turning off an expensive ad. We put a lead price > $7, because we give fb some budget to find the right people, let spin +10-30% of the lead price to zero.

  2. Turn off the ad when there are zero leads. If there are no leads and this auto-rule does not work, the campaign will continue to run! The previous auto-rule works on the Price Per Lead field and will not work because there are no leads. Allow 2 lead prices to spin down to zero before stopping.

  3. Enabling ads when flying. There are situations when a pixel belatedly taps leads in fb. Because of this, previous auto-rules may turn off your ads, and then a lead arrives, and you should turn them on again! That's what this rule is for.

  4. Turning All Ads On. Every new day, we turn on everything that was turned off to try to enter a new auction with a different audience.

  5. Turning off a campaign. If a campaign has been producing expensive leads for a few days, you have to turn it off. Either change the creo, or refill it, or even use the account for another offer.

🧬How to apply an Auto Rule to a ad account

  • Go to the "Ad Accounts" section. Then "Apply Rule" Also in this window you can delete the rule already added to the account.

  • Or "Apply rule group"

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