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Ad fill
How to do the first fill in Dolphin {Server}
How to do the first fill in Dolphin {Server}
Updated over a week ago

We will not go into the details of creating a bundle for a profitable bay, we will show you just an example, to familiarize you with our product and its work.

➕Adding accounts

Of course the first thing you need: to accept, add an account, link the coil add FP (if it is not on the account), etc.

More about working with accounts can read here.

💎Creating a bundle

This feature is available only on the Pro tariff, on the Base tariff this item is not active.

So let's start creating:

  1. To create a bundle in your Dolphin {Server}, do the following: select "Create ads" on the left side of the menu, click on "Bundle", select the target of the bundle. Add information in the form of the name of the bundle, name macros (for naming), set the budget and select a bidding strategy.

  2. Add adset settings (title "can use macros", macros, pixel event (if conversions), in-app event (if installs), GEO, age, playset, devices, interests, behavior, demographics. The last 3 items are up to you.

  3. The last step is to go to the "Ads" setting. There you must specify the title, the text, the description (in each you can use spintax) and the call to action button.

    What is spintax?

    With spintax you can very quickly and efficiently randomize your texts. It is enough to specify inside{} variations of words or phrases separated by the | symbol. For example:

    {Loss weight|Lose weight|Lose all} in {5|6|8} {days|days|day}!

  4. Click "Create" to save the bundle.

⚙️Setting up the Bay

After the bundle is created, you can go to the section "ADS Manager", select the section "Accounts", select the necessary for the bay, then go to "AD Accounts", there select the offices for the bay (they must be with linked cards and FP necessarily, if the bay to install applications - then with applications).

After you have selected the cabinets, you need to click in the menu above "Create ad" (cloud logo) and you will go to the bay.

You will be prompted to select a bundle and specify additional settings.

A very useful thing is Make the fill at a specified time.You can specify the desired time and date of filling ads, ie ads will be moderated, but will not run. You specify the start time in the Time mode (Take into account the fact that the time will depend on the time zone of the cabinet, not on your personal. For example: If the cabinets have different time zone and you specified the time of pouring at 16:00, then the pour will be performed at 16:00 of each time zone, which has a cabinet).

Don't forget to specify Time and possible actions to be performed within the specified time:

- Pause ad

- Pause adset, Now, when your king/rental/agent/mom and other large accounts fly away on RDA immediately after the flood or after a while, you can pause adset (if you paused it), and ads will continue to run. Adsets are not paused in this case.

- Pause between adsets, About pause between ad accounts

If you're creating ads manually there's some pause between accounts for switching your proxy or browser profile.

So you can emulate this "live" pause with this option.

You should specify option value in second.

Pause can be static like 120 second (2 minutes). Or you can specify range for additional randomization. For example 100-140 second. In this case you should set - "100-140"

Also specify Target, Pixel Event, Number of companies and Number of adsets in it. For example, you need to create a create a fill-on 1 company 3 adsets and in each adset 3 creatives (in the scheme pour need to specify 1-1 ) if you need to create 3 adsets and in each 3 creatives, then you need to select the scheme All-All.

Specify the desired betting budget and betting strategy, you can also randomize the budget here.
What is budget randomization?

For example, you set a budget of 100 USD. And you specified a randomization of 5%.

In a situation where you create 5 pour tasks, the budgets might be as follows:

  • 100 USD

  • 98 USD

  • 104 USD

  • 101 USD

  • 96 USD

That is, the system will randomly select a budget from a range of 95-105 USD.

In addition - you can apply auto rules or group of rules (how to create them read here) and specify a tag on any tab, such as accounts.

After that you need to enter links/diplines for each ad account. If the link is the same, there is a "copy to all ad accounts" button - to simplify the addition process. Similarly with the budget.

Ability to mix FPs when creating a bay - when there are a lot of FPs on the account and it is inconvenient to choose different ones, this feature will be a great solution. If your FP will be in the ban, the software will not give you to pour advertising, A will indicate that the FP is not selected and available in the block.

After that, click "Continue". Then we move on to the stage of uploading creatives and text in the bundle.

Bay schemes

At the pouring stage of the bundle, in the "Creatives" section, you can select the pouring scheme.

There are two schemes:

  1. All-All

    With this option, all uploaded creatives will be loaded into each adset, that is, for example, if you upload 3 creatives, all 3 creatives will be in 1 adset.

  2. 1-1

    With this parameter, the 1 set will be loaded into the 1 adset, for example, if you upload three creatives and select three adsets, then in each adset will be a different creative. Creatives are repeated in turn

If the scheme is 1-1, loaded 4 creatives and 3 adsets, then 1 extra creatives will not be used in any adset, if the adset 4 and 3 creatives, then random creos will be loaded again in the fourth adset.

How to mass add and pour accounts you can see here ru.

Unique Creatives

You can learn more about how it works here.

Add the information and click "Create Ad". Wait until it's finished and the green bar appears. If you saw an error or the fill bar was red - contact our support team and specify the log of the fill with an error.

To pass the bay log to helpdesk:

Please click on the book next to the bay name

Copy all the text and paste it on the site

At the top you will see a new link, provide the text to the chat room

❔❕Possible questions/problems:

  • I want to upload an ad to the app, but when I go to the upload, the app selection is not displayed. How do I solve it?
    The first thing to check is whether the application is accurately uploaded to the given advertisement cabinet. It is desirable to reshare to be 100% sure. If there are no doubts about it, the next thing to do is to check when the data was last updated. It is advisable to refresh the data to pull the information from FB about the shared applications to the cabinet. Add yourself an "Applications" column to see what applications are already in your accounts. This is in the "Cabinets" section, there is a "Customize Columns" button next to the date. If apps are there and still not there when pouring, re-login to Dolphin {Server}. If you continue to have problems displaying applications - contact support.

  • The account is not allowed to Autoload

    If you encounter such a problem and one of your accounts is not allowed to fill up for any reason, follow the following procedure:

    1. Be sure to check the token of your account. Relevance of data depends on the automatic update intervals. The data may not have reached Dolphin in time.

    2. In the interface of ads creation, at the stage of selecting ad cabs, next to the name of the account click "Update".

    3. Make sure that the payment is tied, update the data on your advertising account by clicking the "Update" icon.

    4. Make sure that you have created a Fan Page for this account.

    5. Make sure that after selecting FP you don't have any alerts (e.g. no FP has been published).

    Provided that all these actions have been performed and no positive result has been obtained - contact Dolphin technical support

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