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For Admins
26 articles
How do Users save or download their Doorways?
How do I delete a User or a Doorway?
How do I filter Doorways by their Download Status?
How do I create new Users or Doorways?
I've updated a Doorway design. Does he/she need to redownload his/her Doorway?
I've updated a User's details. Does he/she need to redownload his/her Doorway?
How do I unlock certain fields for users to edit their own details?
I created Users but they haven't received their Doorway Welcome Email. What should I do?
I want to create several Doorways at once. Can I use an Excel or CSV to do it?
How do I get a custom domain login for my organisation?
Can I integrate with an HR platform to automatically create and manage users and Doorways?
How do I get SSO for my organisation?
What’s the difference between a User and a Doorway?
How do I design my users’ Doorways?
What is the purpose of the ‘Doorway Name’ field?
How do I create an additional Doorway for an existing user?
What is the purpose of the ‘Identifier’ column?
What's the difference between a Doorway and a User?
Can you manage a Doorway's information independently from their associated User?
Can you manage a User's information independently from their associated Doorway(s)?
Can I select Doorways / Users to apply bulk actions?
How to Set Up & Provision Users Using Azure Active Directory via SCIM2
How to Set Up SSO (Single Sign-On) Using Azure Active Directory
How to Require Users to Use SSO (Single Sign-On) When Signing In
Doorway's SCIM2 Schema
Auto-Assign a Design and/or Administrative Unit to a Doorway via SCIM2 in Azure Active Directory