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Security and safety with dosh

Rebecca from Dosh avatar
Written by Rebecca from Dosh
Updated over 6 months ago

Is dosh safe?

dosh follows best practice and safety protocols in NZ to protect your information and money.

We have undertaken every step to ensure dosh is super safe for users.

We have designed the app to have multiple security and safety measures to protect user’s money.

dosh is built using the most recent Java and Java Script technologies and is tested against all the best practices recommended by OWASP. The platform and its operation are compliant with the GSMA Mobile Money assessment framework to ensure the security and the integrity of each account and transaction.

It has all the safety features you would expect to control access, including PIN and biometric thumb print or face ID features.

The funds in your dosh Everyday account and Stashes, are securely held in a trust account at an AA- rated NZ registered bank.

These funds are only moved on your instructions via the app, and we do not invest these funds for a financial return.

To top up your account dosh has selected Windcave, New Zealand's most established payment gateway provider. Windcave requires you to enter your bank username and password to conduct the top up instantly. Neither Windcave nor dosh will ever retain this information. We ask you to enter your details each time you use this service to avoid risks of a third party retaining your sensitive bank information.

dosh is a registered financial services provider in New Zealand, regulated by the Department of Internal Affairs.

We take our Compliance obligations seriously, and engage New Zealand’s leading experts to ensure we are meeting the highest levels of regulations set to protect individuals and businesses.

What if I have a dispute?

We are always looking for ways to improve our service to you. If something has gone wrong, we want to know.

Please send an email to and tell us what has happened and how we can resolve matters. If you have any documents or correspondence that will help us understand your complaint, please attach them to the email.

When we receive your complaint, we will:

• acknowledge your complaint within 1-2 working days

• gather and evaluate information about your complaint

• respond to you within 20 working days.

If we cannot agree on how to resolve the complaint, you can contact Financial Services Complaints Limited (FSCL). FSCL are an independent, not-for-profit, external dispute resolution scheme approved by the Minister of Consumer Affairs. FSCL’s service does not cost you anything and they will help resolve the complaint.

You can contact FSCL:

• by calling 0800 347 257

• by emailing

• through FSCL’s website:

• writing to:


PO Box 5967



If you're stuck, just tap on the blue messenger icon on the bottom right of the screen and reach out to us. We're happy to help!

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