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Student-Athlete Physicals - FAQs
Student-Athlete Physicals - FAQs

Have questions about your student-athletes physical? Find common answers here.

David Sikes avatar
Written by David Sikes
Updated over 5 months ago

When it comes to a student's eligibility to participate in a sport or activity, the physical is one of the most important documents. Here are some frequently asked questions and answers regarding physicals.

How do I upload a physical?

Be sure to read this article on uploading documents for requirements in DragonFly.

I've uploaded my physical—why isn't it approved?

Physicals must be approved by an administrator at your school before they will show as approved on your account and count toward eligibility.

I have uploaded a new physical to replace one that will expire soon or is already expired—why is the old physical still showing in my profile instead of the new one?

Just like all physicals, the new physicals have to be approved by an administrator at your school before it will be considered your current physical. Once an administrator has approved the new physical, it will show as the correct one in your profile.

​How long does it take to approve my physical once uploaded?

While DragonFly securely stores and maintains records, DragonFly does not view or approve any documents. Only administrators at your school have this authority.

Schools differ in their approval process of documents. If you need a document approved quickly, please contact a school administrator.

My physical contains more than one page, but I can only upload one document. How do I upload the rest of the pages?

If the physical that you are uploading contains multiple pages, you should scan them into a single PDF file containing multiple pages. You can merge or combine documents into a single PDF file using software like Adobe Acrobat.

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