DragonFly's tools allow all users to have a variety of positions and sports connected to their user profile. But what if an administrator needs to make changes to the sports for one of my officials, coaches, or athletes. Follow the simple steps below to add (or remove) sports from a user's profile.
Note: these actions are only available to users who are organizational administrators, like executive directors, principals, athletic directors and bookkeepers.
1. Log in to DragonFly on your web browser and select 'Schools and People' in the left-side menu, which should bring up your Eligibility Checklist. Then click on the name of the individual whose sports you would like to edit. If you aren't seeing the correct names, make sure you have adjusted the Eligibility Checklist filters correctly.
3. You will now see their profile. Click on the icon with three dots (β’β’β’) on the right side of the screen, then select 'Change sports' from the drop-down menu.
4. You will now see the Add/Remove Sports menu. Select the checkboxes to add or remove sports for this person. Added sports will show a "Needs Approval" icon beside the sport name. When finished, click 'Ok'. This will approve those sports for the user.