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Setup Buffer Time

How to setup buffer time so you have time before or after a booking to prepare for the next one.

Ray M avatar
Written by Ray M
Updated over a year ago

What is it?

Buffer time allows you to set a schedule that works for you, giving you a break in between appointments. When creating or managing your event, a Buffer Time box is available. The time you enter here is what gives you a break between appointments. By default, we set this to 0.

Example: I have an Appliance Repair service. Appointments are 60 minutes in length, but I need 30 minutes to get between appointments. These can be booked on my availability on the :30 or :60 minute mark. Here's how I would set things up

  • Duration - 60 min. This is how long my event actually is.

  • Buffer Time - 30 min. This is the time I need between appointments

  • Start Time Increment - 30 min. The schedule should always split times every hour

  • Time slot visibility - 30 min. I don't want someone to book me at an odd time and it helps my schedule knowing appointments can be booked at the top or middle of the hour.

Always show appointments on set hours (ie. 9:00-10:00, 11:00-12:00)

In this case, you can set buffer time to 0 and create those exact hours on availability. The buffer time works for you dynamically, which creates a buffer block of time before your next appointment. If you always want the same hours to appear, ie. 9am-12pm and 1-4pm, please do the following:

  1. Set the buffer time on the event to 0.

  2. Go to your Availability. Manage that availability on Thursday - rather than "9:00-16:00", replace it with a comma-separated times "9:00-12:00, 13:00-16:00"

  3. Save that availability

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