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Availability and blocking off days

How to setup your and your team's schedule and availability and handle time off.

Ray M avatar
Written by Ray M
Updated today

To add or block off dates, click on the Availability tab > Set Schedule

How do availabilities work?

Each event must have at least 1 availability. If I set up my team member, Joe, to run a fitness class, I would set his availability (ie. 9:00-12:00) so customers can book with him.

I could also create two more events and can assign all 3 events to his one availability. In this case, if a customer books Joe for 10:00-11:00 for Event A, then Event B & C would be unavailable at 10am. We automatically determine when you are available to avoid double / incorrect bookings across events.

Regular occurring hours

Click on Availability > Set Hours to set your weekly schedule. If you are unavailable for the same time every week (ie. Every Wednesday morning) you can edit this time right here. Click Save Changes once complete.

NOTE: Schedules use the 24h clock. 10am-1pm should be 10:00-13:00.
However the display of times to a customer will reflect your local region (ie. North American calendars will show as AM/PM to the customer)

Blocking time or marking dates as unavailable

To mark dates as unavailable, do the following:

  1. Go to the Availability tab.

  2. Click on Set Schedule beside the Availability you want to edit.

  3. Scroll down to Set your schedule for specific dates

  4. Select the day(s) that you are unavailable for by clicking on Select a date or date-range.

  5. Leave "Start Time" and "End Time" blank to make the whole day unavailable.

  6. Click Apply schedule then Save Changes to save.

Changing your schedule for specific days

To modify your default schedule, do the following:

  1. Go to the Availability tab.

  2. Click on Set Hours beside the Availability you want to edit.

  3. Scroll down to Set your schedule for specific dates

  4. Select the day(s) that you have a modified schedule for by clicking on Select a date or date-range.

  5. Set your "Start Time" and "End Time" as needed. For example, if you are only available from 9:00 am to 1:00pm, enter those as your Start (9:00) and End (13:00) Time.

  6. Click Apply Schedule then Save Changes to save.

Setting Break Times (for lunch)

When setting a schedule, you can add multiple intervals. Intervals ensure you won't be booked on your lunch break or during that daily mid-afternoon walk. For example, if you are available from 9:00am - 5:00pm, but want to be unavailable from 12:00pm - 1:00pm every day, set this:

  • Start time: 9:00am, End time: 12:00pm

  • Start Time: 13:00pm, End time: 18:00pm

One-off days or Pop Up Days

If you only want to take bookings on individual days or you have to be away on a specific day (ie. a doctor's appointment) you can use Specific Date Schedules.

  1. Go to the Availability tab.

  2. Click on Set Hours beside the Availability you want to edit.

  3. Scroll down to Set your schedule for specific dates

  4. Select the day that you have a unique schedule for by clicking on Select a date or date-range.

  5. Leave the start time and end time blank if you need the whole day off or add your start and end time to reflect when you are available.

What if I have a weekly schedule, but my event is only available for specific days?

Head to the Start & End Dates article to set up one time events!

How do I have bookings write to Google Calendar?

All of your bookings can be written to Google Calendar, see here

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