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How do I use the Kaltura Integration?
How do I use the Kaltura Integration?

Caption your content from Kaltura using Echo Labs integration

Edward Aguilar avatar
Written by Edward Aguilar
Updated over 6 months ago

Echo Labs' Kaltura Integration makes it simple to caption your Kaltura content with Echo Labs. To get started, you'll need to activate the Kaltura integration in your Echo Labs Account.

First, ensure that Kaltura is available under the integrations section of your Echo Labs Dashboard. If you don’t see it listed, reach out to us at, and we'll help you enable it.

You're now ready for setup. This will includes three steps:

Step 1 - Create a category for Echo Labs

** Make sure you are using an account with site-wide administrator permissions.

1. From the Kaltura Management Console (KMC), in the “Content” section, click “Categories”.

2. Click “Add Category”.

3. Enter any name (we’ll use “Echo Labs” as an example) and select any parent category. For this example we’ll use “MediaSpace”. Click “Apply”.

4. In the Entitlements section of the newly created category, click “Manage Users”.

5. Click “Add Users”.

6. In the “Select End-Users” box, enter “echolabsintegration” without the quotes and press "Enter". Select “Contributor” as the permission level, and click “Add 1 Users”. This is the user ID we’ll use for the application token.

7. In the “Integration” section of the KMC settings, note the privacy context of the nearest parent category with a privacy context. In our case, this is “MediaSpace”.

8. Also take note of the category ID for the category you just made.

The category you just created is the category you will assign to any media entries whose captions you want managed by the Echo Labs platform.

Step 2 - Create an application token

In this section, you’ll create a lesser-privileged application token for the Echo Labs platform to use. With this token, the Echo Labs platform will only have access to media entries you add to the category you created in the previous section.

1. Navigate to the Developer Console.

2. Click “Sign in to execute”.

3. Enter your email and password, and click “Log In”. In the popup, select your Kaltura account from the drop-down.

4. Make sure you’re back in the Developer Console.

5. Fill in the following information without quotes, and click “Send Request”:

  • description: “Echo Labs Integration

  • name: “Echo Labs Integration


  • status: “ACTIVE[1]

Make sure everything is filled in exactly - this is very important.

6. Note down the value of the “id” field that you get after you click “Send Request” (in this case “31104222”) => This is the role ID.

7. Choose an expiry date for the token, and convert to a Unix timestamp. For this example, we’ll use 10 years in the future. Keep in mind that you can always revoke the token before it expires. You can use a tool like to convert from a date to a Unix timestamp.

8. Navigate to Kaltura API Console > appToken.add , fill in the following information (without the quotes), and click “Send Request”:

  • description: “Echo Labs App Token

  • expiry: The timestamp you got in the previous step

  • hashType: “SHA256[SHA256]

  • sessionPrivileges***:

    list:*,edit:*,setrole:<role ID from previous step>,privacycontext:<privacy context of parent category>

  • sessionType: “USER [0]

  • sessionUserId: “echolabsintegration” (the user ID we gave access to the category we made)

** Replace the angle brackets in "sessionPrivileges" with your own role ID and privacy context.

For example, using the values from this tutorial, sessionPrivileges would be


9. Take note of the “id” and “token” fields in the response. This is our app token ID and app token respectively.

Step 3 - Add your app token to Echo Labs

1. In the same “Integration” page as before, take note of your Partner ID.

2. Navigate to the Kaltura Integration tab on your Echo Labs account and enter your:

  • Partner ID,

  • App Token ID,

  • App Token.

3. Check “Specify Category”, and enter the category ID for the category you created. Click “Save”.

3. You successfully completed the Kaltura setup! You can now use the integration to caption content on Kaltura using Echo Labs.

What's next?

For Echo Labs to caption your content, simply add them to the Echo Labs category you created earlier.

For example, on the main "Entries" page of your Kaltura Management Console (KMC):

Echo Labs will periodically check the category and automatically import any new videos you add.

Once a video is captioned, Echo Labs will update the corresponding entry in Kaltura with the captions.

You can monitor the status of imported videos on the "Kaltura" page of your Echo Labs dashboard. These videos will also appear in your main dashboard, just like videos uploaded through other methods.

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