The National Affiliation Number (Numéro d'Affiliation Nationale [NAN]) is the official identification number that the CESU Reimbursement Center [Centre de Remboursement CESU (CRCESU)] assigns to a service provider.
A NAN is a unique 7-digit number followed by a key (asterisk + digit).
Ex: 0012345*1.
If your service provider has a NAN, it means that they are registered with the CRCESU. They won't need to re-register. You will need their NAN to add them to your Edenred+ beneficiary list.
Once they are registered with the CRCESU, service provider can find their NAN:
in the registration letter sent by the CRCESU once the service provider is added to the CESU database.
directly on the CR CESU website: (French only) > "I forgot my NAN" ("J'ai oublié mon code NAN"). If the CRCESU has their email address on file, they will send them their NAN by email. If not, they would need to contact CRCESU customer service.
directly on their work contract and invoices.
Find out how to set up a service provider for CESU payment.