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Top List: News
Written by Bjoern
Updated over a week ago

Video (4min 50sec):

Topics Covered:

  • News Modes: Single Symbol, ALL (entire market feed), Panel-Linking

  • News Status: Today vs. older

  • Keyword search

  • Multi ticker News Count

  • R-Score: Our News recycling indicator

  • News Sources: SEC-Fillings vs Market-news

Symbol Mode: "Single vs ALL"

  • If your News Panel shows a Symbol at the Top, it only shows the news from that Symbol. When click on on the "X" n ext to the symbol the Panel will change to ALL mode.

  • The Ticker will be usually loaded by clicking within another component, like the scanner for example. But can also be manually entered.

  • In ALL mode, you are seeing all news from the whole market


  • When linking is set to "On Change", other components can switch the News-Component back to Single mode.

  • If you like to keep the news permanently in ALL -Mode, make sure to set the linking to "NONE".

News Status (Today vs Past)

  • Ticker Symbols with a RED bar in front of it, are from today. All others "without" are from past days

  • Clicking on news from the past will set the Charting component to History-Mode (indicated by the Yellow outline and yellow Clock).

  • Clicking on a news from today (RED bar) will update the chart to today

Keyword Searching

  • Click on the Magnifier on the right hand side of the News Component to open the Keyword search. When you enter multiple keywords, the will operate as OR's

Filters, Columns & Sources

  • Filters & Columns are used the same way as with the scanner. Meaning you can Limited your incoming news via Volume, Chg% limiters etc...

  • Within the Filters You can also utilize the Industry Metric to return news only for a specific field.

  • But you can also do this via selecting Topics in the News Sources & Topics

Multi Ticker, News Counter

  • When news have a RED number in front of it. The number tells you that the article mentioning NLSP was involving other tickers. Which means that these news are perhaps related to a whole sector or industry which effect in this case NLSP but also other company's

R-Score (Recycling indicator)

  • The R-Score indicates the likelihood of these news being recycled old news vs new unique news

  • When clicking on the R-Score you can see all articles from the past that are related to the current one, including their individual R-Scores

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