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Top List: Charts
Written by Bjoern
Updated over a week ago

Video 1 - Chart Basics (1.5min):

Topics Covered:

  • Adding, customizing Indicator

  • saving, loading of Indicator-Sets

Video 2 - Charts Historical (2min):

Topics Covered:

  • Loading Historic Records via the Scan and directly from the chart

  • Comparing Historic Records against:

    • Linked dates, Today and Custom Dates

Charts Basics

Adding Indicator

  • To an indicators use the button at the top of the chart or use the shortcut "/" within the chart. To search you can simply write parts of the name for the indicator you're looking for.

Customizing Indicators

  • To adjust the indicator Settings, Colour etc. simply double-click the Indicator-Line it self or use the Gear-Icon in the indicator-List to the left.

  • To remove an indicator, click on the "X" behind the Gear icon. Or select the indicator in the view and hit delete on your keyboard

Save & Load Indicator-Set

  • To Create and Safe an Indicator-Set click on the Drop-down at the Top of the Chart and write the name for your Set, Confirm by checking on the right

  • Then switch from the default to your your newly created set

  • To only safe "changes" to a Set, click on the Button next to the Drop-down

  • Set is Saved when you see afterwards the check in the cloud-icon

Chart settings

  • To Adjust the look and feel of your Chart, click on the Gear-Icon in the top right

  • To save the changes close the Settings by clicking on "ok" AND click afterwards on the save Settings Icon

Charts Historical


  • By clicking on the Clock icon, you have three options define how the Chart will react to selecting Tickers and their Records (Date) within the App.

    • Linked DATE = Other components can change the Date & Ticker

    • TODAY = The Date is Fixed to today, other components can change the Ticker

    • SELECT DATE = The Date is selected manually, but other components can change the Ticker

  • Via the Scanners Clock Icon, "July 7" is selected, with the Chart set to "LINKED DATE" which switches the Chart and Scanner to "Historic Mode". Indicated by the Yellow Clock and Component Border

  • The Chart is in Historic mode and set to "July 7"


  • Scanner drives bottom chart via Historical Scan, top is set via chart directly to "TODAY"

  • Bottom Chart is in Historical Mode "SELECT DATE, Top chart is set to "TODAY". All directly via the charts, no other components necessary

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