Video 1 - Overview (2min):
Topics Covered:
Scanner List, Activity Log(Alerts), SSR
Sound / Voice Alert
Video 2 - Filters (2min):
Topics Covered:
How to setup a simple Scan
Time-slicing (Time based conditions)
AND, OR conditions
Video 3 - Columns (1min):
Topics Covered:
Column customization
Video 4 - Exclude Tickers (1min)
Topics Covered:
How to excluded & Blacklist Tickers
Video 5 - Window Linking (1min)
Topics Covered:
"On Change" and "Colour-Group" Linking
Video 6 - Historical Scan (2min)
Topics Covered:
introduction to Historical Records to test and fine-tune your scans
Video 7 - Expressions (2.5min)
Topics Covered:
introduction to Expressions for Custom Filter & Columns
Scanner Overview
Scan & Activity Log
The Top section of the Scanner is shows the Filtered List
The Bottom shows the Activity Log and alerts you when a ticker enters the scan or leaves it. These moments are Timestamped on the left.
You have the option to be alerted on Add or on Remove, or both
Tickers can be loaded by clicking anywhere within a Row of the returned Scan List or by clicking on a Row in the Activity Log
β!! This works regardless if the Ticker is still present in the Scan above or not !!
Be aware that if you change your filter your Activity log will be cleared out and return empty. That is because the Activity log is linked to the filtering it self.
Halts, SSR, News - Notification
If a Ticker is on SSR you will see a red "S" next to the Symbol
The Number in the News Column indicates the "News-Count" that are released
A Ticker Symbol is Halted when the whole row shows RED. When the Ticker is unhalted these Rows go automatically back to normal
Sound & Speech Alert
You can define a Sound or Text-to-Speech Alerts for every moment a ticker is added or Removed within the Activity log
The Cooldown Time option can be used to avoid getting multiple Alerts for the same ticker in a short period of time
Filter Settings Overview
Name your Filter at the top of the window and use the Dotted Handles on the Left to reorder the Filter. This Order is only for your visual convenience and does not effect the scanning Logic
Any Existing Filter can be swapped out by clicking on its name. To Add a new filter click on +ADD FILTER at the bottom
The Large numbers can be entered via the suffixes:
K = One Thousand, M = Million, B = Billion
Except the Default Filters with the Lock-Icon, you can freely delete and name Filter settings. All Filters can be duplicated
Time Slicing (OR Groups)
With OR Groups you can make use of Time-Slicing. This example filters by the following Logic:
OR Group with Metrics
Compare two Metrics
To Compare Metrics against each switch from Value to Metric. This example filters by the Logic:
You can use predefined Metrics or build your own via Expressions
Do Re-order your Columns, simply drag and drop the Dotted Handles
Exclude (Blacklist) Ticker
To Exclude a ticker from a Scanner Component Right-click and choose the Exclude option
Be aware that this exclusion is per Component, not App or Filter based!! Meaning the Exclude-list does not travel with the filter. It is locked to a specific component within that Layout
Ones a ticker is Added to the Exclude list the colour of the Icon at the top changes from white to purple
Clicking on the Icon will list all the Excluded tickers. Clicking on "X" will remove a Ticker Symbol from the Exclude list
Component Linking
All Components Types are by default set to "On Change". In this mode a ticker is pushed on selection to all other Components that are also set to "On Change"
Any windows that are set to a specific Colour are only updated from components that share the same Colour (Scanner, Watch-list, news, Historic Stats)
Exclusively to News is the "NONE" Linking. Which makes sure that the news Component functions as a standalone News-Feed and is never switched to single-symbol
Historic Scanning
To activate historical Scanning click on the Clock icon
After the Date selection, the Scanner will now go back in time and return the scanning results from that day
The Historical Mode is displayed via the YELLOW Clock icon and the YELLOW border
Linking & Update
All components with a Clock Icon that is set to "On Change" and in case of Charts that are set to "LINKED DATE" will jump also to the scanners Day in time, and switch to Historical Mode (Cock and Border YELLOW)
Sessions (PM/INTRA/AH)
It is important to note that depending of the Filter you will be targeting with your scan in Historical mode a point within the Session (pre-market, Intra, After hours)
For Example the Metrics:
Filters Expression
To Create a Filter Expression click on the Filter Icon as usual
click + ADD FILTER and navigate to the Expression on the left and Click NEW EXPRESSION +
Within the Expression Window you can select various display types for your Output-Format depending on the calculated Math
To load a Metric for your new expression, type "@" from their just write the Metric you are looking for
After selecting your Metric you can use operators and add further Metrics via "@"
Hover over the "?"-Icon to see the list of the allowed Operators and Functions
Here an Example for:
Todays Range %
β(Today's Intraday total-range from the Low to the High of the day)
( @High - @Low ) / @Low * 100
Columns Expressions
Column Expressions work the exact same way as Filter expressions
They are Identical and can be used interchangeably
Meaning Expressions that you created for Filters can be used on Columns and wise-versa