When you start your first ever stocktake, you will be prompted to set up your storage areas before you begin.
We recommend getting these setup and ready to go ahead of your stocktake to save time on the day.
Step One - Set up your storage areas
Select the site you are wanting to set up the storage areas for
On the left hand menu select "Stock"
Select "New Stocktake"
Select "Start Stocktake"
In the top right hand corner select "Edit Storage Areas"
In the top right hand corner select "Add Storage Area"
Name your Storage Area & click "Add" - you can add as many storage areas as you need
Click the back arrow
These will be automatically saved
Step Two - Add the products and recipes you keep in these storage areas
Select the storage area you'd like to add products to
Click "Add Products" at the bottom of the page
You will be able to select any product from your catalogue or recipes that have Count in Stocktake ticked
You can use the search bar at the top right to quickly find products or recipes
Click the back arrow
These will be automatically saved
Be sure to click "Save" to save the storage areas and products you have set up ready for your stocktake.
These are the storage areas and products that will be available each time you start a new stocktake, no need to repeat this process again.