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How to confirm an order has been delivered
How to confirm an order has been delivered
Updated over 2 months ago

It’s important to confirm your deliveries for every order placed within Edify when you receive them. If deliveries aren’t confirmed it can lead to inaccurate reporting.

  1. Once an order arrives find the order on the "Deliveries" tab

  2. Click the arrow symbol on the order

  3. If all the items have been received as expected click "Confirm Delivery" to confirm that all of the stock was received.

  4. If you didn’t receive all of the items on the order, make sure to amend this in the "Quantity" column to reflect what was received (e.g. If an item was out of stock and the supplier didn't send it but did not charge for it)

It is best practise to do this as soon as a delivery is received, but we understand things can sometimes get a little busy, so it's no problem to do this at the end of each day.

Delivery FAQs

  • What happens if I confirm the delivery of an order a few days late?

    The Edify system will record the date you confirm the delivery as the date you received the relevant stock. As such, if this is done a few days late the system will think this is when you received the stock, not the actual delivery day. This can cause inaccurate stock levels.

  • Can I backdate the delivery of an order?

    If you have outstanding deliveries that were not confirmed the day they were received it is possible to backdate these. Follow the usual process to confirm the delivery then head to 'Order History' and edit the 'Actual Delivery Date'

  • Do you have an accounting platform integration which pushes my POs into my accounting system like Xero?

    No, we don't currently have an integration with any accounting systems like Xero in order to push POs from Edify into an accounting software

  • Can I set up for a user to be contacted regarding all deliveries to a site?
    You can set a Delivery Contact, who's details will appear on the order sent to the supplier. This can be site up for each site by going to Settings > Sites > "Edit Site" > Fill in the "Delivery Contact" field.

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