What is the Starter quiz?

Take the Starter quiz/Level booster to make sure you get started at the right difficulty

Updated over a week ago

All of our topics are put into levels (imagine them being like gaming levels!). Levels start off easier and then get more difficult as you work your way through them. To make sure you get started at the right level, we've created the Starter quiz πŸš€

The Starter quiz contains 10 multiple-choice questions that help us to check your maths knowledge. Based on your results, we'll place you at a better starting point so that you don't get bored doing easy topics.

Note: The Starter quiz is designed to be challenging, so don't worry about getting questions wrong! πŸ’ͺ

How do I take the Starter quiz?

It's easy! If it's the first time you've logged into your Learning Hub you'll be shown the Starter quiz right away:

You can also find it further down the page on your to-do list as a task called "Take Level Booster":

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