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How can I set driver permissions?

Enable or disable home and public charging for every driver

Updated over a week ago

Setting driver permissions is crucial for controlling access and functionalities. Here’s how you can do it during the invite process and for existing drivers.

In short: you can enable/disable toggles for home charging & public charging.

  • Home charging = Allows connection of a (PH)EV and optional reimbursement

  • Public charging = Allows assignment of an EEVEE charge pass

Setting Permissions During Driver Invite

  1. Invite Drivers:

    • Click on ‘+ Add drivers’ to open the invite panel.

    • Enter the email addresses of the drivers one by one or upload a CSV file.

  2. Configure Permissions:

    • Public Charging:

      • Toggle to allow the use of a charge pass (default is off).

    • Home Charging:

      • Toggle to allow connecting a car (default is off).

      • If enabled, set reimbursement eligibility:

        • Active: Eligible for reimbursements.
          + Optional: Set a start date (default is today).

        • Inactive: Not eligible for reimbursements.

  3. Send Invite:

    • Click ‘Send’ to invite the drivers via email.

Modifying Permissions for Existing Drivers

  1. Access Driver Settings:

    • Go to the driver overview page and select the driver.

  2. Edit Permissions:

    • Home charging:

      • Enable or disable vehicle connection.

      • If disabling an active connection, a warning will appear regarding vehicle deactivation and any unpaid costs.

    • Public charging:

      • Enable or disable the charge pass.

      • If disabling a linked pass, a warning will appear about deactivation, but costs will still be invoiced.

  3. Save Changes:

    • Save your changes to update the driver’s permissions.

By following these steps, you can easily manage driver permissions, ensuring they have the correct access and functionalities based on your needs.

For further assistance, contact our support team.

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