Create a new article

Create articles in Eitje so you can add these to the themes.

Updated over a week ago

Once you have created a topic, you can start adding articles. This is only possible in the web version of Eitje. You can type a new article yourself, or you can upload an existing PDF. You can add the article to a theme or write a separate article.

To create articles, go to 'Training' in the menu and choose 'Handbook':

How to create a new article

You can create new articles in three places: by clicking the 'Create' button at the top right of the page, by scrolling down and clicking 'New Article' under Other articles, or by clicking Create in the theme.

1. At the top right of the page via 'Create':

2. At the bottom under 'Other articles'

3. In the theme:

How to create an article

Follow the steps below to create an article:

  1. Click on New article

  2. Enter the name of the article

  3. Select the theme you want to add the article to

    ⚠️ Note: if you do not select a topic to add the article to, the article will be added in the category Other articles. This is a collection of all articles that are not yet linked to a topic. These articles are visible to all team members. Once you add the article to a topic, this article will only be visible to the team members who have access to the topic.

  4. Choose whether you want to create your own article or upload a PDF

Video explanation

In the following video, we create an article to welcome new team members to our company:

💡 Tip: Do you want to know how to add an article to a theme? Read how to do this here

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