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Custom-made exports
Custom-made exports

What needs to be in your export? By creating your own export you can choose the rows and columns yourself.

Updated over 4 months ago

If you cannot find what you are looking for in the ready-made exports and in the library, then you can also create your own export. You can determine yourself which data you want to export and how to sort the columns.

Create export

Go to 'Data' > 'Custom-made exports' and click 'New table' in the top right corner. Depending on which information you want to see in your table you can choose from the following categories:

  • Team members: Export the data per team member. You get all team members in rows under each other.

  • Hours: Export the data per shift from the time registration. Every shift appears on a row.

  • Planning shifts: Export the data per shift from the schedule. Every shift appears on its own row.

  • Leave requests: Export the data per leave request. This way you get a leave request on each row with the corresponding data.

  • Teams: Exporteer the data per team. On each row you get a team.

  • Venues: Exporteer the data per venue. Each row shows a venue.

After you selected a category, you land on the design page.

Select data

On the left side you see all the data you can choose from to add to your export. The data are divided in different groups that you can unfold.

In the middle part you see what your table will look like in the export. You can use the small little arrows below the data to change the order or you can drag the data.

Change format of data

For most of the data you can change the format. For example, you can write the name of team members in capital letters or change the date format. For hours you can choose for hundreds instead of hours and minutes. You can adjust the format by clicking on the option.

Sort columns

By default the data is sorted on the first column and in an ascending order. So for team members that would be from A to Z. You can sort on any data option and choose an ascending or descending order. So if you want to order the file by team member with the most worked hours in a period, you can sort on hours in a descending order. This way the team member with the most worked hours appears at the top.

In the export you will see on which column the data is sorted and if it is in a descending or ascending order by looking at the little arrows: ▼ / ▲

Apply filters

When you are done with selecting data, you click 'Next'. Now you can apply filters to your export. This way you determine exactly which data you get in the export. For example, you only want the hours of people with a fixed contract of from a certain team. Read more about filters here.


Once you applied filters, you move on to the last page where you can give the export a name and description. Here you can also determine which roles are allowed to see and use the export. Read more about the different roles and what they can do.


Your export is finished and ready to be used. On this page you find the details of the export and a list with all the exported files. You can download them again if necessary.

In the top right corner click on 'Export'. In case you are exporting hours, planning shifts or leave requests, you will be asked to select a period.

On this page you can also duplicate, edit or delete the export. You can also set up a subscription to receive exports at a set time via email. Learn here how to activate a subscription.


Did you start creating an export, but don't have time to finish it? No problem, you can find unfinished exports under 'My drafts'. Just click on a export to continue editing.

⚠️ Note: Only admins can see and edit drafts.

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