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101 - Exports

Do you want to export your data? Read more about it in this article.

Updated over a week ago

You can export a lot of data in Eitje. This is useful for your salary administration, for example.

When do you make an export?

  • You would like to export the personal data of your team members.

  • Every month you send an export of the amount of worked hours to your accountant.

  • You want an overview of the leave requests of your team members.

  • You want an overview of all the planned shifts of the next month.

There are different ways to make exports: ready-made exports, the library and custom-made exports that you put together yourself.
Go to 'Data' > 'Ready-made exports' or 'Custom-made exports' to go the export pages.

Ready-made exports

For the planning, time registration and labour costs we created some ready-made exports that you can immediately export. In these exports you find data that are often used. You can apply some filters like contract type and the period, but other than that you cannot personalise the exports because of the custom layout. Read more about them here.


The library consists of some exports that we have already created for you. The difference with the ready-made exports is that you can edit them and add other data that you need. Read more about the library in this article.

Custom-made exports

Does the library not have the exact export you are looking for? You can also create your own export and choose which data you want in the table. Read more about how to create your own export in this article. You can find your own exports by clicking 'Data' > Custom-made exports. You can export them directly from here or by clicking on an export.

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