In this guide, you'll learn about the benefits of setting up an ENDVR for Retailers account, which will allow you to submit sales incentive entries on behalf of your stores, connect multiple stores in one place, and have visibility into your employees' activity on ENDVR.
❗ Before we get started, please make sure you have a Retailer account. If you don't already have one, request one here, or you can contact !
This guide will be broken down into multiple sections, each containing an overview on how each feature can help you. Additionally, you'll find a step-by-step guide via a hyperlink that will assist you in navigating through them.
Manage Your Store(s)
Create new stores and organize them into groups
Learn how to create a new store for your retail group here!
Set the privacy of your store. 🔒 or 🔓
You can lock your store(s) directly in the dashboard under the store tab!
Learn how here, or you can contact Support for assistance at
Approving Employee Request
When your store is locked, employees won’t be able to join automatically. You’ll need to approve their request manually. Learn how to approve those requests here!
Invite admins and store managers to your store
Whether you need assistance setting up missions, approving employees, or simply keeping an eye on what's happening in your store, inviting others to join your team is quick and easy!
➡️ Learn more here
Manage Your Employees
Invite and remove employees at any time, ensuring only verified employees has access to your store!
Employee Reports
Have a real time visibility and tracking of missions, totals sales and money earned by your employees!
Submit Sales Contest Entries
As a manager, you can submit sales reports on behalf of your employee, and they will receive their reward in their account.
How to submit Sales Contest Entries via the Retailer Dashboard
❗ Please note that the employee would need to have an account, invite them to join the platform!
News Feed
Engage sales associates with an exclusive on-app channel for your store
Inform employees about upcoming product launches, promotions or events
Share selling tips for new products / reviews
Announce winners of internal sales contests
Share customer reviews and give props to your team
Introduce new staff members to your team
Learn More here!
Launch your own Learning Missions and Sales Contest
Easily create your own training to educate your employees on new products, brands and new hire onboarding.
Learn how here!
❗Knowledgeable and motivated sales associates deliver better experiences and sell more!