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How to Create an Enrollment Welcome Message

How to change the message parents see after they enroll

Serena Edwards avatar
Written by Serena Edwards
Updated over 6 months ago

The Enrollment confirmation (otherwise called “Welcome Message”) is the message that gets emailed at enrollment. You also have the option to create multiple messages to use for any Program.


If no Welcome Message is connected to one or more Programs, the system will default Welcome Message. If no Welcome Messages are connected to any Programs or none are selected in the Company setting, the system will not send a message.

Step 1 - Add Content

Go to My Company settings and scroll down to Enroll Form. Under Enrollment Welcome Message, click the blue plus button to add a new message. Type in a name (example: “Welcome Message”) and add content.

Examples of content you can add include:

  • Company Logo

  • Images/Videos (see Note on Images/Videos below)

  • Links (company website, forms, social media sites, etc.)

  • Text welcoming students and any critical information about enrollment

  • Enrollsy Account Parent Portal link

  • Enrollsy Account Password Reset link

NOTE on Images/Videos

Your image will have to be hosted somewhere for you to add it (Enrollsy does not host images, so you are not allowed to download images).

You can host your image on your website through your web host, Google Photos, or a free source. Just copy the direct link (right-click on the photo and select “copy image address”). Paste this URL into the image editor in Enrollsy.

For videos, you can use the link or embed code.‍

Step 2 - Choose the Default Welcome Message

After creating your Welcome Message, choose the default message for all Programs in the Company setting (otherwise, no message will be sent out to Enrollees).

choose default welcome message in Enrollsy

NOTE: The Welcome Message/Enrollment Confirmation email is sent out automatically when someone enrolls in any program. To re-send this confirmation email, go to the Enrollee page and click on Actions.

re-send enrollment confirmation in Enrollsy

At this time, admins cannot send bulk Welcome Message/Enrollment Confirmation emails. However, Admin users can get copies of new enrollment emails. See this article for how to change that setting on the Admin User page.

Step 3 - Add Messages to Programs (optional)

You can also create multiple Welcome Messages for different Programs. You will then need to add them to your Programs.

Add to One Program:

Head to the Programs page and click on the pencil icon beside the Program. Scroll down to Enroll Form and click on the Enrollment Welcome Message you want to add. Click Save.

Add to Multiple Programs:

To add the Welcome Message to multiple Programs, check the Program or click “Select All” and click the Bulk Edit button (third button from the left). Scroll down to Enroll Form and click the toggle button beside “Enrollment Welcome Message.” Then you can select the correct message and click “Update” to save.

Email Confirmation Example

The Email Confirmation will say "Submission Confirmation" in the subject line (which, at the time, cannot be edited). The email confirmation will look similar to this one:

NOTE: The text after "Message from [Company Name]" is your Enrollment Welcome Message.

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