Enrollsy allows Companies to customize lingo that Enrollsy uses regularly, including the following:
Primary Account Holder
Secondary Account Holder
Enrollment Period
To get familiar with Enrollsy's lingo, see this support article.
Companies can change these default words to better fit their company lingo. Here are some examples of words we see used most often:
The word Enrollee is a label that can be changed to Child, Student, Registrant, Player, Subscriber, Member, Traveler, etc.
The word Primary (or Secondary) Accounts Holder can be changed to Parent, Parent/Primary Guardian, etc.
The word Enrollment Period can be changed to School Year, Registration Period, etc. The word Program is also a label and can be changed to Plan, Trip, Grade Level, Camp, etc.
The word Class can be changed to Session, Course, Schedule, Group, etc.
Follow these steps to customize Enrollsy to fit your company:
Head to My Company and scroll down until you see the heading, "What do you call things?"
Enter the new label