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Learn Enrollsy Lingo

Get started by learning the words Enrollsy uses

Richard Hogan avatar
Written by Richard Hogan
Updated over 5 months ago

We've got a nice list of words with their definition and some additional information that will get you started in learning our platform. Some of these words are customizable in Enrollsy, however, you should learn them as they are how we communicate the various parts of the platform.


An Account is typically identified by a name and a unique email address (and optionally an ID). Accounts are owned by a Primary Account Holder, who is ultimately responsible for payment. An optional Secondary Account Holder may also be included. In the event the Enrollee is an independent adult and not a dependent, the Account and the Enrollee might be the same person. Learn where to find the Account page.

E.g. Sally Johnson, sally@domain dot com, 2387 (ID is optional)

Primary Account Holder

The Primary Account Holder is typically the person who enrolls an Enrollee in a Program and/or has legal custody. This person is typically called the Primary Parent/Legal Guardian for preschool/schools.

E.g. Sally Johnson (Primary Parent of Enrollee Billy Johnson)

Secondary Account Holder

The Secondary Account Holder is another Account Holder that can be a parent or legal guardian of the Enrollee. Secondary Account Holders are not required in Enrollsy.

E.g. Bill Johnson (Secondary parent of Enrollee Billy Johnson)


An Enrollee is the person participating. The word Enrollee is a label that can be changed to Child(ren), Student(s), Registrant(s), Player(s), Subscriber(s), Member(s), Traveler(s), etc. Enrollees can be placed in one or many Programs during the enrollment process. Learn how to assign an Enrollee to a Class.

E.g. Billy Johnson (son of Account Holder Sally Johnson)


An Enrollment is the Program/Class an Enrollee is enrolled in. Enrollments can be deactivated (where billing no longer shows on the Account Billing page) or deleted completely.

Enrollment Card

Each enrollment creates an Enrollment Card inside the Account Holder's Billing tab. These cards contain the details about the enrollment including the Program name, the selected Class(es), and any Payment Plan(s) selected or subsequently added by an Admin. So, Enrollment Cards may look different depending on the enrollment model chosen for each Program and/or if an Admin has manually added Payment Plans.


Users include anyone who Uses Enrollsy. Users of Enrollsy are distinguished as:

  • Accounts

  • Admins

  • Instructors


Admins are those with the ability to perform some or all of the actions possible in Enrollsy. Admins are assigned Roles to control what they can do with Enrollsy. Admin Users are required to have multi-factor authentication enabled on their accounts. Learn how to log in for the first time.


Instructors can also be renamed to teachers, coaches, or anything else. These Users have no access to the Enrollsy web App where Admins manage the business, rather they have access to Class Roles for any of the Classes they are assigned to. Learn how Instructors log in for the first time.


Both Admin users and Instructor users have "Roles," which is a specific role created with a specific set of permissions. Admins can create multiple Roles with different permissions on each of them. Learn how to edit Admin Permissions here. Learn how to edit Instructor Permissions here.

Customer App/Portal

The Customer App or Customer Portal is how your Account Holders log in to their Accounts. Customers (or Account Holders) log in by downloading either the Enrollsy app from one of the following:

or with your company's custom enroll link (or private link).

When your Customers sign in with the email they enrolled with, they can see and interact in a variety of ways:

  1. Enroll in another program or another Enrollee

  2. View invoices, set up or edit a bank account (ACH) and/or credit/debit card, and make payments (partial, full, or custom)

  3. View their contact information and make changes

  4. See Enrollee's information and Activities

  5. View and edit Program Form information filled out at enrollment

  6. Send and receive text messages

  7. View any content available for the Program(s) enrolled in

  8. Reset their PIN

Instructor App

The Instructor App is how your instructors or teachers access their portal. The link is The Instructor App allows your instructors to do a host of activities, including:

  • View their Classes

  • Check-in and out Enrollees

  • Post Activities to Enrollee's timelines

  • View Enrollees' medical and allergy information

  • View Account Holder contact information

  • Send and receive text messages

  • Add Class content


Activities are recorded on Enrollee's Activity Timelines. These are historical records that are not deleted and are available to the Admin, Teacher, and Customer Account views of Enrollsy and the apps. Admins can make their own customized Activities. Learn how to create Activities.


Content refers to links to gated content like Zoom meeting links, Google Meet links, YouTube links, Vimeo links, or other content that Admins or Instructors (with permission) can add to a specific Program. Learn how to add content here.


Rosters are "attendance sheets" that are customizable in the following ways:

  • Filter by Tag

  • Filter by Dates

  • Choose between Daily, Weekly, or Monthly displays

  • Choose a Class display: A single Class or multiple Classes

  • Save three Header configurations

  • Add values from the Enroll Form

  • Add columns with Activities


A Tag is a label on Enrollments that shows up in various places in Enrollsy. Tags show up in a variety of places within Enrollsy. Tags can also be set up with certain triggers. This means that an enrollment/Enrollee will be auto-tagged every time the selected Charge Item is placed on a customer account for that enrollment. Learn more about Tags.

Enrollment Period

An Enrollment Period is a period when you have Programs/Classes happening. If you have enrollment year-long, you can still have an Enrollment Period per year because it will make it easier for you to keep track of separate yearly enrollments. Examples of Enrollment Periods:

  • "School Year [20XX]"

  • "Summer Camp [20XX]"

  • "Private Lessons"

  • "Early Childhood Classes"

  • "Group Classes [20XX]"


A Program typically has a name, schedule, and time. While programs can vary dramatically in structure, they always organize Enrollees into distinct groupings (usually funneling down to price).

The word Program is also a label and can be changed to Plans, Trips, etc. Programs may also have a capacity indicating the total number of Enrollees they can accommodate. Many Programs have Classes that can also have a capacity. Learn how to get started creating Programs.

E.g. Cake Decorating 101, Wednesdays, 7-9 pm

Program Options

To set your Programs up correctly, it's important to understand what options are presented to the Customer during the enrollment process and in what order. Two pre-set options come standard with every account.

  1. First, there is a Location option in case you have multiple locations.

  2. Second, there is what we call an Enrollment Period, which is typically used for what it sounds like but can also be used to break enrollments up into other types of segments.

  3. After these first two selections, the rest of the options are 100% customizable by you within the settings section of the Program page, including how many options you present. In the above example, the options added were a Program name and a Schedule.

With this in mind, remember that Program Options act as a series of choices that funnel the person enrolling down to a final choice. Think of them as the means of presenting all your options to the customer without completely overwhelming them. Click here to see more steps to create Program Options.

Enrollment Model

The cost of a Program is set up in what is called an "Enrollment Model." Enrollsy has three different types of Enrollment Models:

  • Simple - Allows for enrollment into a Program only. Class assignment is done by an Admin or Instructor with permission.

  • Days per Week - Allows enrollment into the specific day(s) of the week your rules allow for. Each Class in a Days per Week Program is comprised of the days of the week.

  • Classes - Allows Class selection to be made at the time of enrollment.


A Class is a physical or logical boundary or subset within a Program. In Enrollsy, a Class can be named whatever you’d like to call it. Some options we have seen include group, pod, stage, etc. Classes have capacities, and the sum of the Classes within a Program creates the Program Capacity.

Classes allow for bulk actions like texting, emailing, transactions, etc. Settings within Enrollsy allow you to decide whether you want to allow enrollment into the Program level (allowing you to make class assignments after enrollment) or directly into the Class level. Classes can also have Waitlists. Learn how to create a Class.

E.g. Main Floor Kitchen


By Capacity, we mean the maximum number of Enrollees that can be in a given Program or Class. Your Programs and Classes can have a maximum Capacity. In Enrollsy, a Program's capacity is equal to the Class(es) 's total capacity.


Waitlists were designed to allow those who want to enroll in a Program or Class that is already full to make themselves known to you. Waitlist settings give you the ability to control whether a Waitlist shows up always or only when a Program or Class is full, so it can be used in other ways as well.

Waitlists are created at the Program level, so your Waitlist will encompass ALL the Classes within that Program. The way it works is the Waitlist becomes visible when at least one Class in a Program is full. Learn how to create a Waitlist.

Enroll Form

When we say Enroll Form, we mean the customized intake form in Enrollsy. This form is unique to your business and is the intake mechanism used to collect information from your Customers. It integrates with robust payment processing solutions and custom E-Signature workflows.

Because the Enroll Form manages enrollment capacities, we also have a true reservation-style system that prevents your Programs and Classes from being over-booked. When someone selects a Program or Class, that spot is held or reserved while they complete their enrollment. If the enrollment is not completed within 30 minutes, the system will ask if more time is needed. If no response is received and the time runs out, the spot is released and made available to someone else.

Currently, there is one general customizable Enroll Form for all Programs and Classes. To ask about specific Programs, you can use Program Forms.

Program Form

A Program Form is a set of questions that only pertain to certain Programs and show up along with your generic Enroll Form at enrollment. You can easily create and add a Program Form to your Enroll Form and gather specific information for certain Programs. For example, if you have youth and adult programs, you can ask questions geared toward each program. Learn more about Program Forms.

Conditional Logic

You may hear this term, especially when we begin talking about the Enroll Form. The Enroll Form includes adding additional questions under Yes/No, Single Select, or Multiple Select questions based on a person’s answer. For example, you could add “Please describe” if the answer to “Do you have any allergies” is “Yes.” Learn more about Conditional Logic.


The Browse feature allows your Customers to literally "browse" through all of your public Programs in any published Enrollment Period. You can provide your Customers a link to browse your Program before they decide to enroll. When they want to enroll, they can do so on that page. Learn more about the Browse feature here.


A Charge is an amount of money placed onto an Account's balance. When integrating with Quickbooks, it's important to note that a Charge is equivalent to an Invoice. Charges are red in the Transaction History and mean the Account Holder owes you money or has a negative Account Balance. Charges are placed on Accounts by Enrollsy (during Auto-Billing) or by an Admin using Enrollsy. Charges can be made one at a time or in bulk. Learn how to post a Charge here.


A Payment is the literal transfer of money from an Account Holder or a Payer to you. Payments are green in the Transaction History and mean the Account Holder paid you money or has a positive Account Balance. Payments can be processed by Enrollsy (during Auto-Pay), by the Account Holder in the App, or by an Admin using Enrollsy. Payments can also be applied to multiple accounts using our bulk transactions feature. Learn how to post a Payment here.


A Credit is placed into an Account Balance and decreases any amount owed or, as the word implies, adds a credit or a positive balance to the Account. Credits are blue in the Transaction History. Credits don't require you to transfer money to their account or Refund a transaction, rather they allow you to reduce the Account Balance or create a positive Account Balance.

It's important to note that Accounts with a credit, who enroll in a new Program or Class, will have the Credit amount applied during payment for a reduced payment. Credits can be applied automatically within the pricing section of a Program or Class or manually within a Customer's Account. Credits are either connected to an Invoice or an Account. Learn how to give a Customer a Credit.

Invoice Credits & Credit Reconciliation

Credits applied to an Invoice may not exceed the total of the Charge Items in that invoice. Credits also cannot be added to Paid invoices, although they can be added to Partially Paid invoices. Credits applied to an invoice do not need to be reconciled. See Automated Invoices, Credits, & Payments for more information.

Account Credits

Credits applied to an Account can be applied at any time and for any amount. Credits applied to an Account require reconciliation with Current or Future Invoices. Account Credits may impact the payment collection process. Learn more here.


Voiding a payment is available if the credit card or ACH payment was posted on the SAME day. Voiding will prevent the payment from being funded. Learn how to void a Payment here.


A Refund is giving money back to a customer. There are two types of refunds:

  1. Electronic Refund

  2. Physical Refund

Electronic Refunds happen in the Transaction History at the bottom of the Account's Billing Page. To perform an Electronic Refund, simply click the vertical dot menu on the right of the ACH or Credit/Debit card transaction you wish to Refund. In the event a transaction has not been batched, you will see an option to void the transaction. Partial voiding of the transaction is not allowed. If you see a Refund option, you'll be able to do a Full or Partial Refund. Learn more about Electronic Refunds.

Physical Refunds happen when you return money to someone in the form of a check or cash. These types of Refunds can happen either from the Transaction History or by using the Transaction option in the Left Sidebar Menu of Enrollsy. Learn more about Physical Refunds.


Invoices are the connection between the business, the Customer, and the banks moving money. They are a critical piece of information in the Enrollsy platform and must accurately display to all stakeholders the required Charge and Credit Items as set by a Client.

Invoices in Enrollsy have the following attributes:

  1. Created or Posted Date - the date when the Customer received notification or access to pay the invoice (note this may be different than the Due Date)

  2. Due Date - the date when payment of the invoice is due

  3. Invoice Number - may be auto-generated or set by the Client

  4. Charge Items - products or services and their corresponding cost

  5. Credit Items - offset Charge Items in the form of credits or discounts

  6. Total - the sum of the Charge and Credit Items

  7. Paid - the total amount of payments against the invoice

  8. Amount Due - the Total less any Paid amount

Invoices always have a Status. Invoice Statuses include:

  • Current (includes partially paid) - a Created or Posted Invoice with $0.01 or more in the Amount Due

  • Paid - a Created or Posted Invoice with exactly $0.00 in the Amount Due

  • Future - an Invoice tied to a future Payment Event that hasn’t yet been created or Posted

Automatic by Enrollsy (Auto-Pay)

Auto-Pay is the company-wide automatic payment schedule. This means that your customers are automatically invoiced, and payment is collected (if Auto-Pay is on). You can choose to allow your customer to opt in/out of Auto-Pay upon enrollment, or you can force or hide the Auto-Pay option. Click here to learn how to edit your company Auto-Pay settings.

When a Customer has a valid payment method on file and has auto-pay enabled within their Account, Enrollsy will automatically find and collect payment for Current Invoices with a due date on that day. Find our more here.

Payment Plans

Payment plans are payment events that happen on a given date/time. Payment plans do not have a price associated with them; they are simply the payment events themselves. Enrollsy allows for three types of Payment Plans:

  1. Scheduled

  2. Installment

  3. Subscription

Since Payment Plans are tied to date/time, they are created inside an Enrollment Period.

Payment Plans divide the total cost (the sum of all the Charge and Credit Items) of a Program or Class into one or more unique Payment Events. Enrollsy creates a Pay-in-Full Payment Plan (with one Payment Event set at the time of enrollment) for all Programs or Classes with a Fixed Pricing Model (Free and Subscription Pricing Models do not have a Pay-in-Full Payment Plan option).

Payment Plans can be published or unpublished, giving the user control over which plans are visible on the enrollment form. Learn more about Payment Plans here.

Payment Event

A Payment Event is a date on a calendar when an Invoice payment is due. The process of creating Payment Events varies depending on the type of Payment Plan being created. Payment Events also have settings that allow for the generation of Invoice Reminders and some customization of the Invoice details. This process is also called Invoicing. Learn how to edit Invoicing frequency here.

Transaction History

The Transaction History is the single source of truth about all things financial for each of your Accounts. This history works like your bank history, displaying the most recent transactions at the top. This history shows you who the transaction was posted by, what Program it was for, and who the transaction is connected to.

Also, the Payment Method is displayed; for electronic payments, the last four digits of the card or the bank account number will be displayed. Learn how to read the Transaction History here.

E-Signature Document

E-signature documents are PDFs that get pre-filled with the enrollment data collected from your customized Enrollsy Enroll Form and then digitally signed and initialed wherever necessary. Once signed, these documents come back into the platform for you to view/download.

The great thing about these documents is that when you need to send them to a customer to sign at the renewal date, any updates that have been made to Customer Accounts since their first signature get pre-filled into the new document and can be signed again. Enrollsy also allows you to bulk send E-Signature Documents at renewal times, which saves hours of back-and-forth with customers.

One of the primary advantages of E-Signature Documents is that you can make fields required or not and rest easy knowing that each of your packets is complete when you get it back. Learn how to send out E-Signature Documents.

Sensitive Documents

Sensitive documents are often required. We do not allow for these to be uploaded as a Required Document. However, since our E-signature provider provides security, you can upload sensitive information as an E-signature Document. Find out more here.

If you use Enrollsy correctly, you'll be able to track every single required document (including these sensitive documents, which are being stored somewhere safe offline). When a sensitive document is received, it can be marked by you as received. This means you can search for and find those with outstanding documents without having to dig through a filing cabinet. You can also easily send reminders to those who have not submitted sensitive documents. Learn more about this here.

Required Document

Required documents are documents (of any file type) you want to make available to your customers in the customer portal for download and/or upload. When you create a Required Document, you are given the option to attach a document that will be made available for download by your customer. The customer can download and print the document, provide any information, sign, etc., and then upload the document.

Once uploaded, these documents come back to you in Enrollsy so that you can download or otherwise keep track of who still needs to submit them using our convenient Document Finder button. Learn how to require a document to be signed and/or uploaded.

Activity Form

Activity Forms are customized Forms that Customers can fill out in the Customer Portal and are attached to specific Activities. Learn how to create an Activity Form here. Here are steps to add an Activity Form to an Activity.


Enrollsy captures "Leads" from anyone who enters at least one piece of contact information on your Enroll Form but does not complete the enrollment process. New Leads are displayed on the Submissions page. See how to view Leads here.

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