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The Difference Between an Account and an Enrollment
The Difference Between an Account and an Enrollment

Learn the meanings of these two very different Enrollsy terms

Serena Edwards avatar
Written by Serena Edwards
Updated over a week ago

In the world of Enrollsy, we have specific "lingo" to identify aspects of our product. Sometimes clients get confused and use the words "Account" and "Enrollment" interchangeably. However, they describe very different things.


An Account is typically identified by a name and a unique email address (optionally an ID). Accounts are owned by a Primary Account Holder, who is ultimately responsible for payment. An optional Secondary Account Holder may also be included. The Primary Account Holder is usually the one enrolling someone (unless they are enrolling themselves).

If the Enrollee (i.e., Student, Child, etc.) is an independent adult and not a dependent, the Account and the Enrollee might be the same person. Learn where to find the Account page.

E.g., Sally Johnson, sally@domain dot com, 2387 (ID is optional)

Where to find an Account

An Account can be found by typing in the name of the Account Holder or the Enrollee in the search bar at the top and clicking on the Account tab (as seen below). They can also be searched by the email address or phone number of either Account Holder.

Account in Enrollsy


An Enrollment is the Program and/or Class the Enrollee (Student, Child, etc.) is enrolled in.

  • The word "Enrollee" is a label that can be changed to Child(ren), Student(s), Registrant(s), Player(s), Subscriber(s), Member(s), Traveler(s), etc.

  • The word "Program" is also a label and can be changed to Plans, Trips, etc.

  • A "Class" can be named whatever you'd like to call it. We have seen options that include Group, Stage, Course, etc.

Where to find Enrollment(s)

To view an Enrollee's Enrollments, go to the Enrollee tab (see below). You can also type in the Enrollee's name in the search bar (as well as the Account Holder's name, email, or phone number).

This page identifies the Programs and Classes the Enrollee is enrolled in (or was previously enrolled in). It also includes information about the Enrollee garnered from the Enroll Form.

Enrollee tab in Enrollsy

Under Programs, you will see the current Enrollment and any previous Enrollments on the Enrollee tab. The following is a view of the current Enrollments. This section includes the following:

  1. The Enrollment Period (Open Enrollment)

  2. The Program name (Adult Enrichment - Fall)

  3. The Program schedule (1:00 pm-2:00 pm)

  4. The Class name (Floral Design)

  5. The Instructor name(s) (Sarah Lemon)

  6. Enrolled on a date at the top right (Enrolled 09/20/2023) - this date CAN be edited

  7. Activate switch (blue switch button that when switched off deactivates the Enrollment)

  8. Go To Button - Click this button to go to the Documents or Activities tabs for Enrollees.

    go to documents  in Enrollsy

  9. Actions Button - Re-send an Enrollment confirmation under this button.

re-send enrollment confirmation  in Enrollsy
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