These instructions are from the Customer Portal. If you are an Admin, please click here to learn how to view or print a statement for an Account Holder.
If you are a Primary Account Holder or Secondary Account Holder (with access), please follow these steps:
Step 1 - Transactions
Once signed in, click on Transactions from the Menu:
Step 2 - Printer Icon
Click the Printer icon at the top-right of the Transaction History. If you are on the Enrollsy app, see Step 2b below. Otherwise, continue to Step 3.
Step 2b - Open in Browser (Computer)
If you are using the Enrollsy app, the system will direct you to open Enrollsy in a browser. You will need to use one of the browsers shown in the message below. Click "Open in Browser to Print" to open Enrollsy in a web browser.
You will also see a message asking if you want to open the link on an external page in your browser. Click OK.
After that, you will be redirected to the sign-in page. Sign in again using your login credentials. Continue to Step 3.
Step 3 - Print Transaction Summary
Click the Printer icon at the top-right of the Transaction History, then select the Print Transaction Summary.
Step 4 - Select Dates
Select the dates of the Summary and click Load.
The system will direct you to print in one of the following browsers:
Step 5 - Print or Save as a PDF
Select Print on the next screen. Then choose either "Save as a PDF" or print the document from the Print screen. After printing it as a PDF, you can email the statement as an attachment.
Step 6 - Export
Transactions can also be exported to a CSV spreadsheet by clicking the export button.