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Activity Form Examples

View some real-life examples of Forms that can be attached to one or more Activities for download/upload in the Customer App

Serena Edwards avatar
Written by Serena Edwards
Updated over 4 months ago

Activity Forms are forms attached to an Activity that Customers have access to on the Customer Portal under the Enrollee's timeline. Instructors can also have access to these on the Instructor Portal. These forms are built just like the Enroll Form.

If you need to create an Activity Form or learn how to attach it to an Activity, see the following support articles:

NOTE: Customers/Account Holders will have to choose a Class when filling out Activity Forms within an Activity.

A wide variety of forms can be created and added to Activities. Here are a few of the ones we've seen our clients use:

File Attachment/Upload File

This is a form where the Customer/Primary Account Holder needs to be able to upload a Document to their Account. To create this form, just add the File Upload field:

file attachment/upload file in Enrollsy

This type of Activity Form can be used to upload any Document, such as an Immunization Report, Vaccine Card, Emergency Medical Card, Intake Notes, etc.

Formatted Content Field

The Formatted Content field is a feature that gives you ultimate flexibility in content in the Enroll Form Editor and is quite versatile. You can add a block of headings, paragraphs, lists, links, images, media (video), or tables.

Use Formatted Content when you want to add a block of text (paragraph or headings), links, photos, numbered or bulleted lists, date & time, or a table. Clicking on the ellipsis will show the following menu for formatting your text, adding an image or video, etc.

This type of Activity Form can be used for a myriad of uses, such as Announcements, Events, etc.

Health Policy

During the Covid-19 pandemic, many businesses required a Covid policy and/or survey. In this example, we have a heading and a question. We also uploaded a Policy Document that Account Holders can download in the Customer Portal.

covid policy activity form  in Enrollsy

Immunization Records

Some schools require immunization records, which are usually provided straight from the doctor's office. Create a simple Activity form with an upload field to upload immunization records.

Emergency Contacts

An Emergency Contact form can make it easy for Account Holders, Instructors, or Admin users to post emergency contacts to an Enrollee's timeline.

Pick Ups

A Pick-Up Activity Form provides an easy way for both Instructors and Account Holders to record who picks up Enrollees.

Size Chart

You may want Enrollees or Account Holders to tell you their size (i.e., Summer Camp attire). You can easily make an Activity Form with size questions like so:

size chart activity form  in Enrollsy


Create a Permission form for extracurricular activities or field trips. Account Holders can easily fill out the form within the Customer Portal.

Withdrawal Form

Sooner or later, you will have an Enrollee who withdraws from your Program for one reason or another. Make a simple form each Enrollee/Account Holder can fill out. In our example, we asked for the name(s) of the children withdrawing, the effective date, whether a two-week notice is/will be given, the parent's name, and the current date.

withdrawal activity form in Enrollsy

Note from the Director

You may want to include notes from the director. In this example, we have included the subject line, message, and posted by fields.

Event Announcement

Schools often have important announcements for a variety of school-related events. Make an Announcement Activity Form that includes all the pertinent information an Account Holder will need to know. In the following example, we included fields for date, time, location, and details. The formatted content field allows for different headings, tables, links, and images.

Birthday Announcement

You may want to make announcements when there is a birthday! This is a great way to do that! Here we have included a "Happy Birthday" graphic as well as the child's name, birthdate, and an area for comments.

Progress Report

Many schools send out Student Progress Reports. Create a Progress Report Activity Form and send it out with an Activity called "Student Progress Report" (or whatever you prefer to call it).

In our example, we have a heading, an upload form field, a question, and an additional photo "yes/no" question with an option to upload a photo.

progress report activity form  in Enrollsy


This Homework Activity form has a long text field to put in the homework assignment and a date field for the due date.

homework activity form  in Enrollsy

Make Ups

The Makeups Activity Form includes a simple question, "Why did you miss class?" with a text field to specify the answer.

make ups activity form  in Enrollsy

This is what the Makeup Activity with the form looks like in the Customer Portal:

make up form in Enrollsy customer portal

Meal Count

Many schools that participate in child nutrition programs have to keep meal counts for each classroom and each meal. Create a Meal Count Form and Activity, so Instructors can easily record these. Add your Class name, date, and numbers for each meal.

meal count activity form  in Enrollsy

Food Allergy Form

Food allergy forms are important forms that need to be filled out by those with allergies. You can easily upload a blank form that can be filled out. Then include an "upload field" where Account Holders can upload the completed form.

Incident Report

Every childcare facility needs an Incident Report. Create one here, so your Instructors can fill it out directly after the Incident, and it's available on the Customer Portal right then. You can use your existing company Incident Report or a state form (if available in your state) as a guide to creating your own form. Or you can download an Incident Report template here.

incident activity form in Enrollsy

Infant Feeding

If you're a preschool with infants, you have to keep track of feeding times. Here is a simple way to do that. Make an Activity Form that Instructors can fill out at meal times. Here we have asked about the type of food, the quantity, and the next feeding.

infant feeding activity form  in Enrollsy

Diaper Change

Preschools with infants also have to keep up with diaper changes. Create a simple diaper-changing Form and Activity that shows up on the Enrollee's timeline. You can make it as simple as a multiple-select question (i.e., "Reason for diaper change") and a space for notes.

diaper change activity form  in Enrollsy

Staff Call Out

You can also create a form for staff to fill out when they need to call in absent. In our example, we include the employee's name, time of call, date of absence, reason(s), and how long they will be absent.

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