If you are needing to edit any account or enrollee information, you can do it easily within the customer account portal. Just follow the steps below.
Step 1 - My Account Page
First, sign in to the Customer Portal using the link provided by the company you are enrolled with. In the top right corner, you'll see a menu. Click on the menu to access the My Account page.
Step 2 - Update Information
On this page, you can update the information you provided during enrollment:
Account information - Click on "Account" to edit contact information and any other questions answered on the Enroll Form.
Enrollees' information - Click on the specific Enrollee name to edit any questions pertaining to the Enrollee answered on the Enroll Form.
Program Form questions - Questions answered specific to the Program chosen. These can be found under the Enrollee's name and the specific Program.
Be sure to click "Save" at the top or bottom of the page to save any changes you make.
NOTE: If you need to update your bank or payment method, see this support article for steps.