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Manage Users

Settings > Manage Users

Written by Brandon Gerber
Updated over a year ago

The Manage Users tool is where you can add usernames and passwords to grant users access to your website admin. You can also manage users to update their credentials, information and roles.

What are the default user types/roles when adding a user?

There are 2 main types of users:

Administrative Users

  • This is the default user type with access to all station tasks for this website except managing user names. These users are not be associated with any Staff/DJ/Personnel Account.

  • When adding an administrative user, ignore the optional "Personality/Personnel" field on the add-user screen.

Staff/DJ/Personnel Users

These users will, by default, have access to ONLY their assigned Personality/Personnel Account. Assign the Personality/Personnel Account by using the drop down list next to this user; this will assign them as a regular Jock User.

If you do not see the person's name in the list, the person needs to be added under TOOLS > On Air Tools > Personalities & Staff.

How can I change a user's level of access?

Once you have added the users, you can further designate tasks by clicking the "Role" - or Pencil - icon next to the users' names.

Note: Though there are many roles you can choose from, we recommend to select only one role per user.

Here are the roles available for users:

  • Group Manager - Access to all tasks for all stations / websites in the group

  • Station Manager - Access to all tasks for one website (or the website the account is set up on)

  • Super User - Access to all tasks (except create users) for one website

  • Super Jock - Access to all tasks (except create users) for an On-Air Personality

The rest of the roles listed below are to limit users to specific tools or sections.

  • Jock - Access to the Jock Blog and Pages for this On-Air Personality

  • Program Manager - Access the On-Air Tools

  • Calendar Manager - Access the Calendar tools

  • Photo Manager - Access to the Photo Gallery Tools

  • Members Area - Access to only the Members Area

  • Blog Manager - Access the Station / Website Blogs

  • Podcast Manager - Access to manage all Podcasts

  • Members Manager - Access to Newsletters / Classifieds (subscribers only)

  • Org Member Manager - Access to Org Member Tools (subscribers only)

  • Property Manager - Access to Property Listings (subscribers only)

  • Tradio Manager - Access to manage tradio systems

If you require that a certain user be able to access all the websites in your group, contact us and we will designate this user with the role called the Group Manager. We like to keep track of who has complete access, for your protection.

Can I attach an existing user with a Staff/DJ/Personnel Account?

You can if you plan to change the admin account to a Jock User, but we do not recommend it for other kinds of users as the tools to manage the Staff/DJ/Personnel Account's own Jock Blogs and Jock Pages will not be available for them after you make the attachment.

If your admin account is set up as a Group Manager or Station Manager, you can access a Jock Blog or Jock Page on any Staff/DJ/Personnel Account without the need to attach an account to yours. You can check out our articles linked below on how to access them.

I cannot locate the Manage Users link. How do I gain access to this feature?

The Manage Users link is normally located under Settings > Manage Users.

If you do not have the "Manage Users" link in your admin panel under Settings, it means you either have not been granted this access for your username (Ex: Staff/DJ/Personnel Accounts do not have access to the "Manage Users" link) or you may be a Group Manager User that is logged into a Staff/DJ/Personnel Account.

If you are a Group Manager User logged into a Staff/DJ/Personnel Account, log out of the Staff/DJ/Personnel Account in the top right corner and you will once again have access to the "Manage Users" link.

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