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Menu & Pages > Main Pages

Written by Brandon Gerber
Updated over a year ago

Sub-Pages are pages that can exist under a menu page. They branch out from the menu page, meaning they can be easily accessed through the menu bar of the website via a drop-down menu of a menu tab; this is only if the tab for the menu page was set up in the menu bar.

Website Side:

Admin Side:

Table of Content

Key Points

  • Sub-Pages can be created under any menu page as long as the option for it is enabled.

  • Setting a name for a sub-page you will be creating also sets the page slug (or part of its URL) automatically.

  • Content can be set up within the sub-pages.

  • The settings for each sub-page can be accessed to update their name and page slug. The ability to move the pages under a different menu page is also available.

  • Sub-Pages can share content with other pages - including ones from other websites in your group - by using their "Page ID's".

Creating a Sub-page

To create a new sub-page, you can follow these steps:

  1. Open the menu page you wish to create your sub-page under.

  2. Type in the name for your sub-page in the "Enter New Subpage Name" field.

  3. Click the green "Add Page" button.

Editing a Sub-Page

From left to right, these are what are available to manage a sub-page:

  • Page ID - The line of numbers displaying to the left of each sub-page.

  • "Share ID" Field - The field to the right of each Page ID. Can be used to have a sub-page to display content from another page.

    • A Page ID from another page would need to be pasted within this field for this to work; make sure to save after its added.

  • Page Name - The name of the sub-page.

    • Clicking one opens the section to manage the sub-page it is attached to.

  • Page Slug - The part of the URL for the sub-page.

    • Clicking it opens the sub-page on the front-end of the website.

  • "Visible" Checkbox - The option to enable or disable the visibility of the sub-page under its menu page's tab on the front-end of the website.

    • If the box is marked, it means the page will be visible under the tab.

    • If the box is unmarked, it means the page will not be visible under the tab.

    • Regardless if the option is marked or not, the sub-page will still be accessible on the website.

    • Click the "Save Changes" button if you make any changes for these boxes.

  • Red "Trash Bin" Icon - Clicking it will allow you to delete a sub-page from the website. Once deleted, there will be no way to get it back. It is best to make sure there is nothing important in the page before deleting.

  • Blue "Arrows" Icon - Holding down the left-click on the icon will allow you to drag and move your sub-page - to change their position in the list. This also affect the drop-down menu for the menu page's tab on the front-end.

    • Moving the sub-pages with this option will automatically save.

Adding Content in a Sub-Page

To add in content for a sub-page, you can follow these steps:

  1. Click the yellow "Pencil" icon next to the sub-page.

  2. Type in the name for your item in the "Enter New Item Name" field.

  3. Select an Item Type.

    1. There are many types you can choose from, but 90% of the time you will be utilizing the "Content Editor" and "Ad Zone" types.

    2. For information on the item types, you can click here.

  4. Click the "Add Item" button.

Above the green box when managing a sub-page, there are two buttons next to "Personality & Staff Pages". Here are what they do:

  • "SEO Settings" Button - Clicking this will open a pop-up to manage and update the SEO for the page itself. For more information on the settings, you can click here.

  • "Back To Parent Page" Button - Clicking this will take you back to the menu page your sub-page is under.

Managing a Sub-Page's Settings & Options

When you are editing a sub-page, you will see the Page Settings box in the right column. Here are the fields you can manage in here:

  • Page Name - The name of the sub-page.

  • Page Slug - The part of the URL for the sub-page.

    • If the sub-page shares the same page slug as another page, it could cause one of the pages to not load correctly. Using this field to update the page slug will help resolve this issue.

    • For the best results when updating the page slugs, we recommend you do the following listed below.

      • Keep all the letters lowercased.

      • Avoid using special characters; they will cause the page's URL to not work. Dashes are fine to use, however.

      • Use dashes instead of spaces. Using spaces for the page slug will cause the page's URL to not work.

      • Leave out the page slug of the menu page the sub-page is under. Our system will automatically add it to the page for you.

    • Note: Changing the slug will break any links to the sub-page.

  • Move To - The field that can be used to move the sub-page under a different menu page of your choice.

    • The option to create sub-pages must be enabled for a menu page so the sub-page can be moved under it.

    • Note: Moving a sub-page to a new menu page will break any links to the sub-page.

Under Page Settings, there is a box for Page Template Options. Here are the fields you can manage in here:

  • Show Right Column - Enable / disable the visibility of the right column in the sub-page.

    • This only works if the website was set up with a right column.

  • Show Left Column - Enable / disable the visibility of the left column in the sub-page.

    • This only works if the website was set up with a left column.

  • Show Header - Enable / disable the visibility of the header - the top part of the website - in the sub-page.

  • Show Footer - Enable / disable the visibility of the footer - the bottom part of the website - in the sub-page.

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