Sync Prepayment Invoices with Mews
Updated over a week ago

Syncing prepayment invoices with Mews is entirely automatic once you enable the setting for your integration. When a finalized prepayment invoice is paid in full (the amount due is $0) the invoice will automatically be synced with Mews. This will cause:

  1. A Closed bill will be created in Mews under the Booking's Paymaster

  • One charge per tax will be created on the bill

  • Each payment will be added to the bill

  • Dated Today

2. An open order will be created for the negative balances

  • This bill will have the same charges added to the first bill, but negative values

  • Dated on the Booking End Date

  • If the prepayment invoice is paid after the Booking is finished, we will still use the Booking End Date if it is within the editable history. If it is outside of the editable history, we will use the last payment's payment date. If neither of these is within the editable history, we will use the current date/time.

How to Enable Syncing Prepayment Invoices

  1. Click on Settings

  2. In the left-hand Settings Menu, scroll down and click Integrations

  3. In the dropdown, click PMS

  4. In the upper right-hand corner of the PMS Settings, click Edit

  5. Scroll down in the Mews Setup window until you get to Prepayment Invoice Sync

  6. Check the box for "Automatically sync prepayments invoices with Mews when fully paid"

  7. Select an Accounting Category from the Prepayment Accounting Category dropdown

  8. Select a Tax option from the 0% Tax dropdown

  9. Scroll to the bottom and click Save

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