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Viewing My People

A run through of what you can achieve through the My People Page

Daniel Spitty avatar
Written by Daniel Spitty
Updated over 3 years ago

The My People view is a onestop summary of how each of your people are tracking. You can access the My People view under the Analysis option in the left navigation bar.

The dashboard can be broken down into 5 parts which we will run through below.

Benchmarking and selecting people:

This is the bread and butter of the My People view, where you can view any data that is collected within Everperform for every individual you manage. By default you'll be shown three columns which function as the core of the Everperform Feedback cycle: Current Feedback Score, Feedback Score Change and Ratings Compliance. From here you can begin to form an informed opinion on where your people are at, whether they are improving or regressing and whether or not they are providing feedback on a regular basis.

Pro Tip: I can see from the above table that Stuart is trending downwards over the period (Negative Feedback Score change) and not staying up to date with the Feedback pulses being sent out (Low Ratings Compliance %). This suggests that I should check in with Stuart and find out what is troubling him.

Selecting timeframes to analyse performance:

Like all pages in Everperform, the timeframe you are viewing within the My People page is up to you. You can select from the allotted preset timeframes as seen above, or nominate a custom Timeframe simply by selecting "Custom" then assigning a Start and End date respectively.

Pro Tip: Selecting a custom timeframe to view data through a previous quarter or even financial year to better understand a subset of the data available.

Also available at the top of the page is whether you would like to view your people as individuals or as a team. This can be very useful if you have multiple people spread amongst multiple teams and would like to see how each team differs in specific areas.

Analysing performance trends:

Front and center of the My People page is the Feedback Score trend graph, by default this will show the current Feedback Score across the entire time frame that has been selected. Alternatively by selecting at least one person from the My People ladder below the graph, the page will update with that individual's Feedback Score as well. You can then hover over this and it will provide information on that individual, including how they fared when compared to the average at that point in time.

Pro Tip: By selecting Roland from my data table I am able to see that he has been consistently above the average feedback score over the time frame, and although I know from the data table he is trending negatively at the moment. He is still > 4 points above the team average.

Selecting which metrics you want to view:

On the far right of the page you will find one of the two sidebars that are available.

Metrics and Stats:

The first of the sidebars available is the Metrics and Stats bar. Here we can see what data is currently being shown in the My People ladder, we can remove data we no longer wish to see (by clicking the small red arrow next to the desired column) or more importantly we can add any data that is available within Everperform.

To add another column to your page simply click the Add Column button to get started, then select the type of data you would like to add to your page.

In this example we are adding a factor (Question) to our page so we select Factors from our list. Once this is done, we will be given a list of all Factors we have access to (along with a search bar).

From here simply search for the factor you would like to add to the My People ladder, then select it.

The selected Factor now appears on my page alongside the existing data.


The second sidebar available on the My People page is the Observations Panel. Found on the right hand side of the page by selecting the small chat bubble icons located at the bottom right of the page.

This sidebar will list out any observations (comments) your people have made throughout the timeframe. If you would like to focus on the comments made by an individual you can easily do so by selecting them on the My People ladder.

Along with the Observation itself you will also see the factor that it was in response to, along with the Category that factor belongs too.

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