Pulses can be built using either Everperform's global library of factors, or your own. To create your own set of factors to include in your own pulses, you will need to be an administrator and navigate to Settings > Factors.
Creating Categories
Each factor needs to be added to a category. To create a new category, select the + icon for the Factor Type (group of categories) you want to add it to, then click Add new factor category.
Note at the moment you can not create your own Factor Types. If you want to add a new factor, contact our customer team at support@everperform.com and our team will add it for you.
Categories can have the following attributes:
Name (required)
Factor Type - grouping it belongs to (required)
Assignable to - level of access users will have to the category, default is individual
Learning Link - link to a webpage or document, used for attaching learning material to the category
User - individuals that will have access to the category, leave empty for everyone to have access
Rating scale - the default rating scale each factor in the category will have
Adding Factors
To add a factor, select the category you want to add it to by selecting the + icon of the category, then click Add new factor.
Factors can have the following attributes:
Name (required)
Description - summary describing the factor
Factor Category - category the factor is part of
Learning link - link to a webpage or document, used for attaching learning material to the factor
Rating scale - the scale users will rate the factor on
After creating the factor, you'll be able to select it to include in pulses (depending on the Assignable to and User values for the category it is part of).
Editing Categories and Factors
To change any details of categories or factors, select the category or factor you want to change by clicking the name, rather than the + icon. You'll see a pop-up form where you can change the attributes for the category or factor you want to update.