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Brand helpdesk: A step-by-step guide to creating/editing campaigns
Brand helpdesk: A step-by-step guide to creating/editing campaigns

A support guide for activation managers when creating/editing campaigns

Michelle avatar
Written by Michelle
Updated over a week ago

This article is designed for activation managers to create or edit campaigns.

*Only admin brand users (ie. activation managers or senior leaders) can create/edit campaigns. Sales reps are typically general brand users, and don't have this access.

On the Home section of your ET Account, you can access a playlist of training videos, including How to create a campaign.

In this article you will learn:

  1. How do I add a new campaign?

  • Sign in to your account

  • Click 'Campaigns' on the menu

  • Click 'Add new campaign'

  • This will open up the campaign fields to edit

2. How do I edit a campaign?

  • Sign in to your account

  • Click 'Campaigns' on the menu

  • Click the edit icon on the campaign you want to edit

  • This will open up the campaign fields to edit

Once you have opened up the edit campaign field, you can follow these steps. Make sure to save any changes by clicking 'Save as draft'.

a. Edit the name or description

  • You can edit the Name of the campaign and the description in the first two fields

  • You can use the headers or bold settings to create sections in the text

You can see this below - and where it populates on the profile view

b. Add Links

  • Use the link button to add links into your text

Note: It needs to be a full link with the https: for it to work.

c. Set the macro availability

We have several settings here to cater to different types of campaign.

Note: other factors also affect availability such as asset availability.

  • Flexible dates: Choose your dates within the campaign dates (ie. festival kits)

  • Flexible dates with time slots: Choose your dates and from fixed time slots within the campaign dates (ie.staffed events)

  • Fixed dates: Implementation window ie. expected between x and x date (ie. St Patrick's Day)

  • Typical ETA: Expected within x days. (ie. 365 essentials)

i) Set your implementation dates

Use Campaign Start and Campaign End to choose when this campaign is bookable from and to.

ii)Flexible or Fixed Dates?

First, choose whether you want to prescribe a fixed delivery window, or allow users to book their preferred dates using a calendar.

If Fixed is chosen, users will be given a set window when booking like below:

Profile view - Fixed dates:

iii) If Flexible is chosen, choose whether or not to set time slots

  • We recommend this for events where staff are included to help guide on availability ie. Mon, Tues, Weds evenings from 7-9pm

  • You can add as many time slots as you like using the 'Add another time slot' function

  • Note: The agency can suggest a new time slot when they receive the request if need be.

    Set timeslots function in campaign edit

Profile view:

  • If no time slots are set, and you have allowed flexible dates, the calendar will ask for a 'Preferred booking window' to advise the agency when a good time deliver is like below:

    Flexible dates, no timeslots - profile view:

iv) if Typical ETA is chosen

  • set the amount of days or weeks the items will be delivered within

v) If needed, set cut off date

  • An optional setting meaning the profile will go offline on this date

vi) If the dates are flexible, set a lead time

  • An optional setting meaning users wont be able to book within this time frame ie. if 7 days is chosen, the user can't book until 7 days from the date of booking.

  • This is good to allow enough notice

At this stage you can also set a Max Booking Time. Read more about this here.

d. Set campaign identifiers

Brand - This chooses the logo and the brand to show at the bottom of the profile.

Note: If you want to change the logo/description/image used, or need more brands showing, let us know via the widget in the bottom corner of the screen, or by email.

Product Category - This is just for reporting purposes.

Note: If you need more categories showing, let us know and we can add some for you.

Type of event - This changes the icon showing on the profile and is also good for reporting purposes.

Note: If you need more types showing, let us know and we can add some for you.

e. Add/Edit Photos / Video


  • You can add photos using the upload function

  • If they are too big, you might need to compress them

  • You can add as many photos as you like - and drag and drop them into the right order for the gallery

  • You can drag and drop the photos into position, and also hover and click edit to crop them into the right size


You can add a Youtube video by pasting the full link into the video field

Note: If you want to add more videos, use the link function in the description box.

f. Set 'What's included'

Click next to get to this section on page 2

Read this article here about adding assets to your campaign.

Note: The 'asset holder' or 'staff owner' is who receives the request for those assets or staff - ie. the agency typically. Therefore, the agency adds the assets or staff into their account - for you to then load in to campaigns.

How many assets or staff are included?

Use the Plus or Minus buttons, or write the number, to set how many of each item are included in the campaign.

Note: The number of assets/staff in the inventory dictates the availability so it will go sold out once these are depleted.

What does optional mean?

If the kit is a fixed kit, then the campaign would still be bookable if the optional assets went out of stock. If the kit is flexible, then the campaign will go out of stock if only optional assets are left.

Adding digital assets

This is also the place to add digital assets to your campaign.

For more information on this, take a look at our article about adding assets to your campaign.

g. Additional links

Here you can add any other links you want to include in the confirmation emails, such as; helpful videos for the set-up of the event, social media assets etc

h. Set minimum stock order requirement

This is optional.

Load in the required SKU from the drop the drop-down and use the plus/minus to set how much is required.

Note: If you need different stock added or a different NSV, let us know.

The venue will be told to order this in the booking confirmation email

Note: The NSV used here also dictates your M&E ie. ROI etc. If you want to change it, just ask.

i. Show a menu on the profile

  • This is optional and only recommended if there are set serves you want to push

  • You can select the recommended serves from the drop down

  • The serve library can be edited by our team, let us know what you want to add

  • Serves add will show on the profile as a 'Suggested menu'

We can also add instructions on hover - let us know what you want to add and our team can do this.

j. Set venue requirements

This is useful if it's a large asset / third space asset that has particular requirements for the activation to work.

Ie. For a third space asset, it requires water supply!

You can select the requirements by selecting a tile - or add bespoke ones in the 'Additional Requirements' field.

What happens if I select some?

If you select any here, the sales rep is then prompted to check the venue has the right facilities in the booking form*:

Booking form view:

*Note: The agency is also notified of the responses when they receive the request. This means they can decide whether the venue is viable based on this information, and also means that they can prepare accordingly.

*This means the booking form needs to be turned on for these campaigns so you can to check this info. Generally you should use the booking form for any expensive or complicated events to make sure we capture the right info for success. Our team can turn on/off the booking form very easily, or edit it to just show only the Venue/Additional Requirements, Stock Order and/or Special Requests. Just let us know and we will toggle on/off. It will on by default.

k. Set sponsorship or payment

Are you looking to receive requests, or hoping the venue will pay?

It's likely that you will select maybe unless you are planning to monetise.

You can also set the value here. This is the price that shows on the profile.

Note: If the value is different to the actual cost - let us know and we can add the actual cost in the back-end so that your M&E is accurate.

l. Set targeting

You can use this area to define which types of venues see a campaign.

Useful examples are:

Location: If an agency only delivers in Dublin, then you could only target Dublin in the 'Target by City'

Groups: Only show this activation to certain strategic groups

Venue types: Only show activations to the appropriate venue types ie. Only show third space assets to third space venues. (You will need to provide us your preferred categorisation for venue type)

Max Booking: You can also set it so you have a maximum capacity for booking, meaning the campaign would no longer be available once you hit this.

Max Booking per venue: This means each individual venue can only book a specified amount of times. I.e 1 as set in the image above.

m. See stakeholders involved - and change brand owner

Brand owner: The central person who receives requests (if toggled on) and is the key contact from an activation team POV. You can change the brand owner using the drop down - you can only add team members who are signed up and they have to be admin users (ie. not a sales rep).

Agencies: These are dictated by the assets and staff you load in. This is who will receive the requests.
Note: If you think this is wrong, first check you have loaded the right assets/staff, and if you have, check with the agency, they probably have the wrong email against the staff or asset.

n. Set the booking flow

This is where you can set the tasks required (like a brief to the agency), and whether or not you want to approve the request first.

The default is that all requests go to the brand owner for approval, followed by any agencies involved. Each agency will be notified of the tasks required of them with a guideline on when this needs to happen.

You can toggle off any of these tasks, except agency approval (booking approval).

Brand approval:

To turn off the brand approval feature (ie. you want to automatically approve requests for a campaign e.g bronze POS requests), hover over the task and move it to Inactive

For this task you will need to assign a PO code for it to approve against.
Note: This isn't linked to SAP but is just for your tracking purposes.

You will not receive the requests for approval, they will go straight to the Agency Approval tab in 'Booking Requests'. Spend will be tracked against the PO code chosen.

If you leave this toggled as 'active' you will get an email for each request and you will have to approve each one for it to be sent to the agency (recommended for gold).

Other tasks:

Hover over them and move them to inactive if you don't want the agency to be asked to complete the task.
Ie. If it's not a live event, toggle off live time. If the assets aren't going to be collected, toggle off asset collection.

Task Timings

  • You can also set preferred timings here for tasks. Ie. If you want the assets to arrive 3 days before the event, under asset delivery you can change this to 3 days.

  • If you want the rate and review form to be sent 3 weeks after the event, change this to 21 days.

Note: The ability to do this by the hour should not be used as the agencies feel its too granular.

  • The agency will be given this guideline when they get a request (they can change it though to suit them before accepting):

m. Save, preview or publish

Click next to get to the last page. You can now save, preview what it looks like or publish.

Note: You must save your work using the save as draft button for it to save (this button is on every page)

Note: You need to add at least 5 images and at least 1 asset/staff for it to go live.

3. How do I see existing campaigns? or 'Why can't I see any campaigns?'

  • Sign in to your account

  • Click 'Campaigns' on the menu

  • Under 'My Campaigns' it shows the campaigns that you are the brand approver for. You can see those that are active, inactive (ie. booking dates have passed), and drafted using the tabs

  • If you can't see any, it's likely because you aren't the brand approver of any yet. Go to 'My campaigns' and change the toggle to 'All campaigns'. This will show you any that sit under your brand supplier account

  • If you don't have the ability to do this, you are a general user (ie. the setting for sales rep). If you believe this is incorrect, drop us a message on the widget.

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