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Brand Helpdesk: Adding assets to your campaign

Advice for activation managers adding assets into a campaign

Rachael Bosanquet avatar
Written by Rachael Bosanquet
Updated over a week ago

*Only Brand Admin users can make the below changes to a campaign.

Included in this article:

  1. Adding the assets into the correct inventory

Click on the Assets menu, and select Add Asset.

Fill in the details for the asset and make sure you select the correct Agency / Stakeholder for the delivery of the asset in the dropdown.

It is important to include the asset code, as this way the asset can be identified easily at the agency's warehouse.

Images need to be sized 350px x 350px.

The total in stock is the total available. You will set the total per campaign in the next step.

1.1 Creating digital assets

To add a digital asset, follow the same steps as above but select Digital as the Asset Type. When you then add the digital asset into the campaign it will be display in the Whats Included section on the Digital tab.


When setting up your campaign, in the asset section, you can choose whether you want to set a default list of assets, or assign specific kits per venue.

To read more about creating a campaign, take a look at this article.

2.1 Default Kits

If you want to use a set kit for each targeted venue, select Default and then add in the assets from the dropdown box.
*You will only be able to add assets which have been added into the platform and allocated to your parent brand account.

You will have the option here to increase the quantity of assets in the kit, and mark them as optional should you want the Campaign to still be bookable if these assets went out of stock.

Optional assets - if the kit is a fixed kit, then the campaign would still be bookable if the optional assets went out of stock. If the kit is flexible, then the campaign will go out of stock if only optional assets are left.

2.2. Venue Allocations

If you want to tailor the kit per venue in advance, you can upload a spreadsheet to assign specific assets to specific venues.

Choose the specific option.

Right click to download the template document and fill this is with the information requested.

To find the asset ID, go to the asset inventory and click the asset. You will see it at the top of the pop-up.

*Note. The file that downloads will be a CSV file and may not save your work unless you rename it to .csv

Upload your completed CSV and continue through the campaign set up process.

2.3. Rep Allocations

You can also allocate a specific number of assets per sales rep.

Read more about this here.

3. Asset Changes

If you select yes - the person booking will be able to remove or reduce assets during the checkout process.

Note: The delivery stakeholder will always be able to edit the assets included before confirming the booking request - in case something is out of stock or inappropriate. Take a look at our article here for more info.

Note: Optional assets - if the kit is a fixed kit, then the campaign would still be bookable if the optional assets went out of stock. If the kit is flexible, then the campaign will go out of stock if only optional assets are left.

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