The success rate of selling to a customer you already have is 60-70%, while the success rate of selling to a new customer is 5-20%
Exsalerate helps you retain customers by making sure every deal/opportunity/project is given the same attention as when you first won them as a customer
Once a New lead becomes a Customer they present many more opportunities to create MORE business so Exsalerate enables you to:
Name the Deal/Opportunity/Project
Assign a Value to the Deal/Opportunity/Project $
Estimate Closing Month
Estimate Product Mix
Allocate An Account Manager for the Deal/Opportunity/Project
Move it Through Your Pipeline Until It Is Won/Lost
Exsalerate creates an opportunity/deal record in your sales pipeline connected to the Parent Company - Acme Corp Ltd
You set up activities to progress this Office Fit-Out (Acme Corp Ltd) Opportunity/Deal through the phases of your sales pipeline just as you did when you were winning Acme Corp Ltd as a client.
All activities, file notes, and correspondence by email are filed to the Office Fit Out (Acme Corp) Opportunity/Deal Record for easy reference of your last interactions regarding the deal.
You can file email correspondence regarding the deal as per the below:
Exsalerate matches the email address to the opportunity record via the Outlook 365 for Business:
OR send emails to an opportunity record with Gmail add-in: