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Sales Order Statuses and Action Buttons
Sales Order Statuses and Action Buttons

Sales Orders statuses and options explained.

Updated over 5 months ago


Sales Orders have six (6) default statuses (Archived, Draft, Quote, Submitted, Delivered and Picked Up) that are automatically assigned based on the stage the Sales Order is at, and an unlimited number of customisable statuses (set in Productivity Workflow).

πŸ—’οΈ Note: each of these statuses has different options/actions available.

Flow of statuses

Statuses automatically update when changes are made to a Sales Order in the following areas:


Draft status

A newly created Sales Order will automatically be assigned Draft status, a Quote that is being edited, or an Order that is being edited will be returned to Draft status.

The status will change from Draft to Quote when Submit as Quote, or Order when Submit as Order has been selected.

A new Sales Order in Draft status will display the following action buttons:

When Edit Quote is selected, the Quote will change to Draft status and will display:

When Edit Order is selected, the Order will change to Draft status and will display:

Quote status

When Submit as Quote is selected a Quote is generated/raised, and the Order is in Quote status.

πŸ—’οΈ Note: if integrated with an accounting package, and integration settings enabled, a Quote will be sent to your accounting package.

In Quote status the Order will display:

πŸ—’οΈ Note: if an Order is Archived when in Quote status the action buttons will remain the same i.e. as Close, Options, and Edit Quote.

Submitted status

When Submit as Order is selected an Order is generated/raised, and the Order is in Submitted status.

πŸ—’οΈ Note: if integrated with an accounting package, and integration settings enabled, an Order will be sent to your accounting package.

In Submitted status the Order will display:

πŸ—’οΈ Note: if an Order is Archived when in Submitted status the action buttons will remain the same i.e. as Close, Options, and Edit Order.

Picked Up status

When a Sales Order has been Marked as Picked Up in Delivery Scheduling the Order is in Picked Up status.

In Picked Up status the Order will display:

πŸ—’οΈ Note: if an Order is Archived when in Picked Up status the action buttons will remain the same i.e. as Close, Options, and Edit Order.

Delivered status

The Sales Order has been Marked as Delivered in Delivery Scheduling the Order is in Delivered status.

In Delivered status the Order will display:

πŸ—’οΈ Note: if an Order is Archived when in Delivered status the action buttons will remain the same i.e. as Close, Options, and Edit Order.

Archived status

πŸ—’οΈ Note: Sales Orders cannot be deleted, they are moved to Archived.

If a Sales Order is Archived the action buttons visible match that of the Order prior to being Archived i.e. if the Order was in Draft status prior to being Archived, the action buttons would be Close, Submit as Quote and Submit as Order, after being Archived the actions buttons remain the same, as Close, Submit as Quote and Submit as Order.

πŸ—’οΈ Note: when Sales Orders are Unarchived they are the returned to the Status they were in prior to Archiving.

"Other" status

A Submitted Order has been moved into another status in Workflow to manage the progress of work/jobs.

In "Other" status the Order will display the same options as a Submitted Order:

Filtering statuses

To view Orders of a particular status i.e. to view all Draft Sales Orders only, select Draft and deselect other statuses in the the Statuses filter.

Changing the Status on a Sales Order

There are various ways to change the status of a Sales Order:

In a Sales Order

  • Use the Action buttons to alter the status the Sales Order is in, or

  • For Submitted, Picked Up, Delivered and "Other" statuses click the Status and select another Status to change it.

In Workflow

Drag and drop Jobs from the default Submitted status column, in Workflow, to "other" status columns to change the status of the Sales Order.

Action buttons


  • Close will close the Sales Order, and return you to the Sales Orders page

  • The Status will remain the same

  • Any changes to the Sales Order will be saved in Factory i.e. changes to Contact, Bill to, Products etc.

Submit as Quote

  • Submit as Quote generates a Quote, and updates your accounting package (where integrated and configured)

  • Quotes can be viewed on the Sales Orders page with the status Quote.

Update Quote

Update Quote updates a Quote with any changes, and updates your accounting package (where integrated and enabled).

Edit Quote

Edit Quote returns the Quote to Draft status where you can make changes.

Submit as Order

  • Submit as Order generates a Sales Order, and updates your accounting package (where integrated and enabled)

  • Sales Orders are then updated with the status Submitted.

πŸ—’οΈ Note: once a Sales Order has been submitted as an Order it will display in Workflow, Planner and in Delivery Scheduling.

πŸ—’οΈ Note: if there is insufficient stock available a warning will notify you.

Update Order

  • Update Order returns the Sales Order to Submitted, and resubmits changes to your accounting package (where integrated and enabled)

  • The Sales Order isn't visible in Productivity until it has been resubmitted.

Edit Order

Edit Order returns the Order to Draft status, and removes the Order from Productivity until resubmitted.

Options (submitted as Quote)

Once a Sales Order has been submitted as a Quote the Options button provides access to:

Preview, print or email Quote/Proforma Invoice

Preview, print or email a Quote or Proforma Invoice (with attachments).

πŸ—’οΈ Notes: selecting:

  • Preview opens a new browser tab, with a copy of the Quote/Proforma Invoice to preview

  • Print open a new browser tab, with a copy of the Quote/Proforma Invoice to print; this action will update your accounting package

  • Email sends an email with a hyperlink and attachment to view the Quote/Proforma Invoice.

Customise email content

Edit your default email content message, in the text field, prior to emailing a Quote/Proforma Invoice.

Edit your default email content message, in the text field, prior to emailing a Quote/Proforma Invoice.


Select from attachments in Collaborate (these will be listed under add attachment) or select add attachment to add a new attachment.

Contacts to include on the email

Choose from listed Contacts:

  • Select add contact to add a new contact to the email

  • Select edit to edit existing Contacts if changes are required to name, email address and/or phone numbers.

Sending the email

Select Options > Email to send the email.

πŸ—’οΈ Notes:

  • Selecting Options > Email will update the status of the Invoice in your accounting package

  • The option to email or print a Quote or Proforma Invoice (under Email/Print) won't be visible if Customise where quote email replies are sent: is disabled under Quote settings and/or Customise where purchase order email replies are sent: is disabled under Purchasing settings.

Convert to Order

Converts the Quote to an Order in your accounting package (if integrated).

Split Order

Separate Products on a created Quote by splitting them into a new Order.

πŸ—’οΈ Notes:

  • Splitting an Order will create a new, additional Order in a Draft Status

  • Any associated accounting package entries for the current Order will also be updated.

Change customer

Changes the name of the customer on the Sales Order.

πŸ—’οΈ Notes:

  • Changing the Customer on an Order removes all contact and address details and sets the Order back to Draft status. All product and pricing information remains

  • Any corresponding Order in your Accounting package will be deleted and recreated under the new Customer name.

πŸ’‘ Tip: for similar orders with different Customers; duplicate an existing order and select Change customer.


This will create a copy of the Order with a new Order number assigned automatically.

Cancel Quote

This cancel Quote.

🚫 Warning: if a Quote is canceled, it cannot be reversed; it is advised to Archive the Quote in case of doubt.


Archives or Unarchives the Sales Order.

πŸ—’οΈ Note: if Archive is selected the status of the Order will automatically change to Archived. If Unarchive is selected the Order returns to the status it was in prior to be archived.

Options (submitted as Order)

Once a Sales Order has been submitted as a Quote the Options button provides access to:

Preview, print or email Invoice/Partial Invoice/Order Confirmation

Preview, print or email an Invoice or Partial Invoice (with attachments).

πŸ—’οΈ Notes: selecting:

  • Preview opens a new browser tab, with a copy of the Invoice or Partial Invoice to preview

  • Print open a new browser tab, with a copy of the Invoice or Partial Invoice to print; this action will update your accounting package

  • Email sends an email with a hyperlink and attachment to view the Invoice or Partial Invoice.

Customise email content

Edit your default email content message, in the text field, prior to emailing an Partial Invoice or Order Confirmation.


Select from attachments in Collaborate (these will be listed under add attachment) or select add attachment to add a new attachment.

Contacts to include on the email

Choose from listed Contacts:

  • Select add contact to add a new contact to the email

  • Select edit to edit existing Contacts if changes are required to name, email address and/or phone numbers.

Sending the email

Select Options > Email to send the email.

πŸ—’οΈ Notes:

  • Selecting Options > Email will update the status of the Invoice in your accounting package

  • The option to email or print an Invoice or Partial Invoice (under Email/Print) won't be visible if Customise where quote email replies are sent: is disabled under Invoice settings and/or Customise where purchase order email replies are sent: is disabled under Purchasing settings.

Work Order/Delivery Dockets

Create custom PDFs (with attachments) for Work Orders and Delivery Dockets.

The PDF can be printed with pricing or without pricing displayed on the PDF, as well as a custom version that allows you to select which Products and Attachments you'd like displayed on the PDF.

πŸ—’οΈ Note: review the configuration within PDF settings to customise the results of PDFs generated.

Purchase Products

Selecting Purchase Products will create a Purchase Order directly from a Sales Order.

  1. From the Purchase Products window, select the Products you want to purchase, and the Suppliers you want to purchase from. Preferred Suppliers will be flagged for each Product.

  2. Select Create purchase/s to create a Purchase Order.

🚫 Warning: a warning will indicate if a Purchase Order has already been raised for Products on the Sales Order, or if Supplier haven't been configured for a Product.

πŸ—’οΈ Note: the newly created Purchase Order will automatically be added to Linked Orders.

Split Order

Separate Products on a created Order by splitting them into a new Order.

πŸ—’οΈ Notes:

  • Splitting an Order will create a new, additional Order in a Draft Status

  • Any associated accounting package entries for the current Order will also be updated.

Change customer

Changes the name of the customer on the Sales Order.

πŸ—’οΈ Notes:

  • Changing the Customer on an Order removes all contact and address details and sets the Order back to Draft status. All product and pricing information remains

  • Any corresponding Order in your Accounting package will be deleted and recreated under the new Customer name.

πŸ’‘ Tip: for similar orders with different Customers; duplicate an existing order and select Change customer.


This will create a copy of the Order with a new Order number assigned automatically.

Convert to Quote

The Order will be converted to a Quote in your accounting package (if integration with an accounting package has been enabled).

Archive or Unarchive

Archives or Unarchives the Sales Order.

πŸ—’οΈ Note: if Archive is selected the status of the Order will automatically change to Archived. If Unarchive is selected the Order returns to the status it was in prior to be archived.

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