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How do I define my Unique Selling Points (USP)?
How do I define my Unique Selling Points (USP)?
Luisa avatar
Written by Luisa
Updated over a week ago

It is very clear: in the market and among all the other competitors, your product must stand out. This uniqueness is your Unique Selling Point.

Your brand stands and falls with the USP. You have to ask yourself two questions:

  • Why is my product different from other competitors and why do I stand out?

  • Why is my product unique and special?

Accordingly, the USP is also a very useful marketing tool. If you have clearly defined what makes your product unique and special, you can much easier convince potential customers and thus sell it better.

Also, your USP is very important for your branding strategy. You can find more information about how to create a brand for your business here.

When defining your USP, you should pay special attention to your and the product's values. In the market, you can hardly stand out with facts such as a good price - here it is the values of the product that matter.

The following illustration can help you create your USP:

How to Do That:

  1. Understand Your Target Audience:
    For many brands, it helps to get a concrete picture of their target audience. In doing so, you can gather relevant demographic data of your target audience and try to imagine a potential customer. Try to understand their values, interests, and lifestyle. With this data, you can try to create "personas" and identify your possible customers.

  2. Explain the Problem You Can Solve:
    At best, your product should be an innovation and a solution to an existing problem. This doesn't always have to be a real and big problem - you can also improve the world of your customers with small things. But you should be able to describe exactly why your product is important and why this product does not already exist in this form. What exactly makes yours so special?

  3. List Down the Unique Benefits You Can Prove:
    A very simple but good tool is to write down important information. In this step, you should just think about your uniqueness and your benefits and write them down. Only if you have a clear structure, your brand and your USP will appear credible. Focus on the most essential features - it's not quantity that counts, but rather quality.

  4. Define Your Promise:
    With the help of your benefits and your uniqueness, you can make a promise to your customers. At this point, you allude to all your benefits and advantages over other brands. So you should ask yourself: What do customers get out of buying my product? What promise do I want to give them?

  5. Make a Conclusion - Your USP:
    From all your reflections and notes, in the best-case scenario, you should now have arrived at your Unique Selling Point. You should have answered the questions about what makes your brand and your product unique. It is best to formulate one or two sentences in which your uniqueness becomes clear.

Test yourself:

Imagine doing a quick elevator pitch: Someone is joining you in the elevator and asks you about what makes your brand unique. What will you answer to that question?

Accordingly, the USP should be clearly understandable to everyone and not require an explanation.

User Buyer Experience - An addition to the USP

"What is your USP for the product or service you are selling?"

In fact, very few salespeople have a selling point that is truly unique. What does this mean for you as a salesperson when many competitors sell very similar products?

So how can you still stand out with your product?

Basically, you need to make buying from you an ideal experience that builds trust and sets you apart from the competition. You need to make how (not just what you sell) the reason why you win.

Start with the first contact and define what you want a customer to say about you and your brand at each step in their buying journey. Then define and implement activities to achieve your goals and make sure everyone along the customer buying journey is on board and understands how important this trust-building experience is to ongoing success.

These 3 questions can help you find out:

  1. Do your products have a USP?

  2. Do customers say that your sales approach is clearly different from the competition?

  3. Is HOW you sell the reason WHY you sell?

Sometimes a product does not have to be unique and have a very special USP - often there are many similar products. So you can decide if the way you sell can also be your USP.

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