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How to close a deal?
Luisa avatar
Written by Luisa
Updated over a week ago

Congratulations - you have received an enquiry! But how do you actually turn it into an order?

First of all, make sure you respond to an enquiry promptly. It's best to close a deal when it's still fresh.

To get the most out of it, first get to grips with the shop and the enquiry:

  • Is the shop specifically asking for certain information?

  • Is the interest in just one product or the brand in general?

  • Why does your product fit into the shop?

  • What do you like about the shop?

Next, you should think about whether you might not have more success if you pick up the phone first. The spoken word often counts more than countless emails. On the one hand, in a phone call, you can convince people with your personality, and on the other hand, you can make sure that the shop really gets all the relevant information about your brand and your products. To prepare yourself properly for a phone call, you can read more here.

After the first phone call comes the follow-up mail. In a follow-up email, it is important to keep it personal. Make sure you summarize what you have discussed and include all relevant information. Tips for a good sales mail can be found here.

When closing the deal, it is important to stay in touch. Don't expect the shops to jump on your bandwagon as soon as you send out an email. Be sure to follow up with the shop - both by phone and by email. If you can't reach the shop: DO NOT GIVE UP!

When you talk to the shop again, make sure that you have really worked through all the open points! Does the shop still have questions about your products? Has your USP been clearly communicated and understood? Has the shop understood the added value of your products for their assortment? What is your customer's need? Can your product solve the shop's problem? Did you understand the shop's point?

To really get a decision from the shop, a deadline or a very clear call-to-action can help: By when do I expect to hear back? Is there a limited offer, which can shorten the shop's decision-making process? What do I expect the shop to do now? And how have I communicated this?

Lastly, you should also look closely at the process: How can the shop order from you? What hurdles might there be here? Make this as simple as possible: send an order form directly or create an account for the shop in your B2B online shop. The less complicated the ordering process is, the more attractive it is for the shops!

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