The Newsfeed
When you make an observation or assessment about a child, this is posted to the News Feed for parents to view and interact with.
You can share what you have observed the child doing, and the parents can Like and Comment on the observation.
The Journey Tab and Assessments
Child Profile → Journey
Observations and assessments also appear in the child's Journey tab. Again, parents can Like and Comment on these, to share their feedback with you.
Parental Observations
As part of your partnership with parents, you can enable parents to make their own observations about their child.
💡 Did you know? This allows you greater insight into the child's development and interests at home, as well as encouraging parents to really feel involved. This also empowers your teachers with more information to best support the child.
Parent observations: Guidance for Parents
To assist parents in creating observations, we have created an article in the parents' section of the help center. You can view this article below:
Approving Parent Observations
Parents' observations are not posted directly to the Journey tab or the News Feed, instead you will need to approve them first. You can view and approve pending observations in Child Development.