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Classroom Moves

Automatic and Manual room moves

Sara Brunvoll avatar
Written by Sara Brunvoll
Updated over 4 months ago

What are Automatic Room Moves?

As children age, they often move into a new room of the center. The advantage of using Automatic Room Moves is that the Occupancy Report will forecast exactly how many children you should expect to have in each room. Famly move the children automatically and the Occupancy and Room Planning reports will reflect the projected moves. You then have the option to confirm or to manually override when a room move should take place for a specific child.

How to set up Automatic Room Moves

To set up Automatic Room Moves:

  • Log in to Famly and click on Settings.

  • Under Rooms click Room Move Rules.

  • Click Add New Rule. A new window will then pop up.

  • Choose the room that children start in, then what the next room they will move to is.

  • Choose the rule that determines when the child will move. You can select between them moving on a specific day, after reaching a certain age, or when reaching a certain age.

  • Lastly, select the age the child needs to be when the rule should come into effect.

  • Finish by clicking Create or Update.

Upcoming Room Moves

To view upcoming room moves:

  • Log in to Famly and click on the Attendance icon.

  • Under Room Planner, you will see a button that says Upcoming room moves.

You will get a list of children with their next room move and the date of this move. The overview is split further into Overdue and Upcoming room moves to help you to keep track of who you need to move.

Before a child can be moved, you need to Confirm the move. Click the Confirm button to the right to do so.


Individual Room Moves

You can make an individual rule for a single child which will override the generic move rules created.

Future room moves

  • Go to the child's profile and click on the About tab.

  • Under Registration & Room Moves.

  • Click New room move.

  • A new window will open (as below) where you can fill in the details.

Immediate room moves

If you don't want to use Famly's automatic option (or are on a Starter package), you are still able to move the children manually. To do this:

  • Log in to Famly and click on the Children icon and stay in this overview.

  • In the third column, click the room name next to the child in order to select a new room. The change will come into effect immediately.

Changing or deferring a room move

If you need to amend, cancel, or defer a child's room move:

  • Go to the child's profile and click on the About tab.

  • Under Registration & Room Moves click Change or Remove next to the room move you need to edit or cancel.

  • If you choose Change, a pop-up will open where you can enter a new room or date (or both) for the child.

  • Click Save.

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