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Recurring Meal Plans

This article will guide you through how to find, create, and edit recurring Meal plans.

Josie avatar
Written by Josie
Updated over a month ago

The Meal plans feature is your one-stop-shop for creating and publishing digital menus for your site. Meal plans can be per week, or recurring at set schedules (e.g. every 4th week, weekly).

πŸ’‘ Did you know? This saves your staff time when logging every meal provided! Staff simply select the meal being offered (e.g. AM Snack, Lunch), and it will auto-populate with the offering for the day! More on registering meals here.

πŸ”’ Recurring meal plans are available to customers on our Premium package. Contact if interested in this feature.

Where to find Meal plans

Go to:

  • Home β†’ Meal plans

If you're trying to find Meal plans on a smartphone or tablet:

  • Menu icon (3 horizontal lines) β†’ Home β†’ Meal plans

You'll be directed to your Meal plans overview, which gives you a breakdown of every Meal plan at your center:

Meal Settings

Before entering a Meal plan, you can let Famly know which types of meals your center provides. For example: Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner and Snacks. To enter this information:

  • Head to Settings at the bottom of your sidebar

  • Settings β†’ Meal β†’ Plans

  • Next, specify which types of meals your center provides by clicking on Add meal type

  • Use the arrows on the right if you wish to rearrange your meal types

  • Click on the X to delete a meal type

Remember to click Save to update your meal types! You can always come back to this page to edit or update your meal types.

Entering Meal Plans

Now that you've added your meal types, you're ready to create Meal plans. To get started:

  • Click on the Home icon in your sidebar and select Meal plans

  • Click on Create meal plan and give your Meal plan a name

  • From here, you'll be able to enter whether this meal plan is for

    • Specific rooms

    • Specific tags, or,

    • For specific children

  • If this Meal plan isn't for a specific group of children or an individual child, you can choose Everyone/Everyone else

  • It's time to start drafting your Meal plan!

☝️Note: Published meal plans will save your staff time when registering meals. However, if you have many meal plans at play, please note heirarchical order as only 1 meal plan will appear to staff at a given time.

The most specific meal plan will take precedence:

Specific child (even if the meal plan is empty)

Tag (even if the meal plan is empty)

Classroom (even if the meal plan is empty)

All Children (even if the meal plan is empty)

Example: if a child is part of a tag and a room, and there’s a meal plan for both, staff will see the meal plan for the tag, and and not the room.

Add meal items:

  • Click the + icon on a day of the week and add your meal items to their corresponding meal types

  • If you offer the same Meal plan on another week, you can copy and paste a week of meals onto another week. Just click on the Duplicate icon next to the week number and select the weeks you'd like to copy your meal plan to. You can add as many weeks as you'd like!

  • You can also choose when you'd like your meal plan to start by scheduling it in the Schedule section. This will determine when the Meal plan is set live:

Saving Meal plans

While editing your Meal plan, you'll be in draft mode. You can save your draft so that it's not yet visible to parents. Any Meal plans in draft mode are visible to other staff members with the Create and manage meal plans permission.

Once you're happy with your menu, you can Publish it for parents and the remaining staff members to see.

Publishing Meal plans

Published Meal plans are added to parents' calendars and are available for staff to see when registering meals for children. Once published, you can no longer edit details such as the length, type (recurring/non-recurring), or who the Meal plan is assigned to. You can still update meal items within Meal plans once published, however.

If you have created multiple Meal plans and have assigned more than one to a specific child (or room for that matter) - Famly will show the one based on the most recent creation date. This means staff will see the Meal plan created most recently for that child.

Recurring Meal plans

If you are on our Premium package, you will also have the option to create Recurring meal plans.

With Recurring meal plans, you can decide whether you'd like your menu to repeat - whether that's weekly, every 2 weeks, every 6 weeks...And so on! That's totally in your control. You can also choose what date you want your recurring meal plan to start and what date you want it to stop recurring.

To add a recurring Meal plan:

  • Click on Create meal plan

  • In the Plan type section, select Recurring

  • Choose a start and end date for your recurring Meal plan from the Schedule section

Please note, if you edit anything in a published recurring Meal plan, it will also change retrospectively. If you don't want the Meal plan to change in the past, you will need to create a new one.

Sharing Meal Plans with Parents

Once you publish a Meal plan, parents will be able to see it via their calendars as shown below:

If Meal plans aren't showing in parents' calendars, this may be because a tag is overriding the menu displayed. For example, if a child has an individual Meal plan already (even if it is empty), parents will see this empty plan, instead of the general plan for the setting or room.

Removing Meal Items and Plans

Removing meal items

If you'd like to remove a meal item - perhaps you're no longer serving this meal, you have duplicates, or you've made a typo - there are two ways of doing this, depending on which Meal plans features your center has enabled.

Via the Room Overview

  • Home β†’ Overview β†’ Classroom

  • Select a child

  • Select Meal

  • You'll see a list of all the meal items you have saved - hover your mouse cursor over the item you'd like to delete and click on the πŸ—‘οΈ trash icon that appears to remove it

  • This meal item will no longer show as an option when adding it to a Meal plan or directly to children

Via Meal plans in your Settings

If your center has had the Manage Meal Items feature enabled by our Support team, meal items can also be removed via Meal plans in Settings.

To remove meal items via your Settings:

  • Settings β†’ Meal β†’ Plans

  • Scroll down to the Meal items section

  • Click the X next to the meal item you'd like to remove

Archiving Meal plans

If you're no longer using a Meal plan, you can archive it so it remains in your records, but won't apply to any rooms, tags or children. Archiving the Meal plan will hide it from everyone. For parents, who would normally view the Meal plan in their calendars, it will be hidden from the day it is archived onwards. It is not possible to view or restore archived Meal plans.

To archive a Meal plan, click on the Archive icon next to the Meal plan and confirm

Frequently Asked Questions

What app version is required to use Meal plans?

  • You have to update your app to version 157 minimum to use meal plans in the app

How far back in time can I view historic Meal plans?

  • You can see up to 1 year of past Meal plans. But if you need more history, you can get in touch with our support team on or via in-app chat. Just make sure to send us the name/URL of the Meal plan you'd like historic records for and the time period you'd like to see

I have a Meal plan that doesn't show up for parents to see or for staff when logging meals, why?

  • Make sure that you don't have several published meal plans scheduled at the same time for the same child/room/tag. If you do, it might be because one of them is empty and it is showing that one (it will always only show one for a given child)

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