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The Overview
Josie avatar
Written by Josie
Updated over 9 months ago

The Overview is your starting point, a place to kick off your day, stay on top of everything, and let Famly do even more of the work for you.

Featuring a dashboard-style landing page, the Overview lets you organize your own personal overview to make sure you've got easy access to all the most important functions.

To get an idea of just what you can do through your Overview, check out the video below:

How to find the Overview

Your overview can be found in the Overview tab under the Home icon:

Site Overview

Using the tabs under the Site overview, you can easily switch views between your Classroom overview and your Tags. The Classroom overview tab will show you how many children and staff members are signed in and expected to attend, and on leave - whether that be sickness or vacation. Your Classroom overview will also show you your favorited rooms - clicking on the individual classrooms will lead you to the overview for that particular classroom.

The ratio smiley/sad faces are based on the age ranges of the children in the classroom. If this is out of ratio, we will indicate the ages that are missing staff or if the classroom has hit the maximum capacity of children.

If you have set up staff ratios per classroom and are not using the age group and maximum capacity, the smiley will not appear on the overview page as it is only supported for age group ratios at this time.

If the staff/children sections are empty it is because staff/children have not been checked into the setting.

Widget overview

Depending on your permissions and the features used in Famly, you will be able to see the following widgets:

Site overview

Upcoming medication

Observation drafts

Assessment drafts

Upcoming room moves


Needs your attention *

Children's birthdays

Staff birthdays

Other events



Staff attendance **

Automatic payments

Total outstanding debt

* including pending leave requests, pending accident and incident reports, pending assessments and overdue medication alerts

** gives an overview of which members of staff are signed in or out at what time:

Your chosen widgets will be displayed on the dashboard in a configuration that will look a little like this:

Customizing your Overview

Your Overview is also fully customizable, letting you decide which widgets you'd like to display where, and which ones you'd like to remove.

To customize your Overview, click on the settings wheel icon in the top right of your Overview

From here, you'll be redirected to the customization page. Simply click and drag the widgets to reorganize them to your preferred configuration, or click and drag them to the Widget library to remove them from your Overview

Your changes will be applied automatically, so there's no need to save when you're done. Just click back to your Overview to check out your new configuration.

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