Pay your Balance in Famly
With Famly, you can pay your balance in-app. For help on setting this up, checkout the article below:
If you have chosen not to enable automatic payments or ACH payments, you can still pay your balance manually.
To see your balance and any bills sent to your account:
From the mobile app, click Account → Balance(s):
From Desktop, click Home icon → Balance(s):
By clicking the Pay button, you can pay the outstanding balance (as well as a portion of it, depending on your site's settings) with a card or ACH. Fees are stated here.
Select Use new credit or debit card
Enter your card details
Click Pay now
Invoice Details
If at any point you want to take a look at the detailed invoice, you can click on your Balance tab. From here, in the Account section, you can click on any invoice to view exactly what was billed for: