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Balance Adjustment

A Balance adjustment can move a bill payer's balance to both credit OR debit the balance.

Josie avatar
Written by Josie
Updated over 2 months ago

When you first start using Famly, you might need to manually adjust account balances for your bill payers. That's where the Balance adjustment feature comes in handy! With this feature, you can set a starting balance for a bill payer, without needing to send a bill along with it. This is perfect for bill payers who haven't received a bill yet!

πŸ’‘ If you'd like to adjust a balance for a bill payer who has received bills, you can choose to add a credit to reduce the amount owed or a surcharge to increase the amount owed. Just keep in mind, that these adjustments need to be billed for before their balance is updated.

Adjusting an Account Balance

πŸ’‘ Did you know? You can always navigate to a bill payer's account from your Finance Overview page! Simply click on a Payer or Child's name in either column. A sidebar will pop up.

  • Click the eye πŸ‘οΈ icon to the right of "Payer"

  • Click Add β†’ Balance adjustment once in the bill payer page

  • Enter the amount you wish to credit the account, or the amount you wish to debit by adding a minus (-) sign before the amount

  • Balance immediately adjusts; no invoice is sent for a Balance Adjustment

To enter a Balance adjustment:

  • Head to a child's profile and click on the Billing tab

  • In the Bill payer section, click on Add β†’ Balance adjustment

  • Enter the amount you wish to credit the account, or the amount you wish to debit by adding a minus (-) sign before the amount

  • You can add a note to explain the credit and click Add

  • The balance on the bill payer's account will be updated according to your adjustment

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