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PIN Code Check-in/out Screen

This article will guide you through how to set up and use the PIN Code Check in/out feature

Michelle Dahl Gozal avatar
Written by Michelle Dahl Gozal
Updated over 4 months ago

Checking children in and out of the site is made simple with the separate Check-in/out screen. The screen can be set up to allow parents to check in their child with additional security features such as a PIN code or QR code. This article outlines how to set up and use the Check-in/out screen with the PIN Code Check-in/out feature.

Setting up the separate check-in screen

Start by setting up the separate check-in screen, as normal:

Enabling the use of a pin-code on the separate Check-in screen

πŸ’‘ This is NOT the same PIN code you use to log in to the Famly app that you can edit in your account settings. This pin code is automatically generated by the system and cannot be changed.


To enable parents and staff to check themselves and their children in and out with a PIN code, this must first be enabled in the app. To do this:

  • Log in to the app

  • Go to on Settings (from a tablet, go to the Menu button and select Settings)

  • Select the Check in/out section

  • Click the button to enable the Pin code required for check in

  • Click OK in the pop-up to confirm

Doing this will automatically assign each person that has been given a login in for your site (staff and parents) a PIN code they can use to check a child in and out, on the separate Check-in screen.

Once you have enabled the pin code option, use the following URL to open up your Check-in screen:

Where do I find the pin code to check in and out of the site on the separate Check-in screen?

Each person that has been given a login in for your site (staff and parents) will now have a pin code they can use to check a child in and out of the site.

To find this:

  • Log in to the Famly app

  • Clicking on your picture in the top right corner to view your profile

  • Click Check-in Pincode.

  • A pop-up will open, showing your code. This pin code is unique to you

Allow a child to go home with another child

With the pin code Check-in screen enabled, parents can choose for their child to go home with another child. This is a setting you can toggle on or off by going to Settings β†’ Check in/out β†’ Allow other parents to pick up

For parents using the Check-in screen, it'll look something like this if you've chosen to enable this feature:

For a parent to select a child for their child to go home with:

  • They need to enter their pin code to log in to the Check-in screen

  • Click on Going home with

  • Select the room the the other child is assigned to

  • Choose the child their child is going home with from the list

  • Click Check in

When the parent comes to collect both children, they will be able to check both of them out.

The child they select will be displayed under their name in the room overview for you to see:

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