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Famly's new Finance Overview
Famly's new Finance Overview

Everything you need to know about Famly's new Finance Overview and how to use it.

Kevin Jenson avatar
Written by Kevin Jenson
Updated this week

Famly's new Finance Overview gives you a complete, actionable overview of your upcoming invoices by child. From here, you can:

  • Add and edit payers

  • View and manage payers' payment methods

  • Manage plans

  • View next invoices

  • Catch any issues that prevent invoices being sent

  • Schedule break in care

Where Can I Find the New Finance Overview?

To access the Finance Overview, navigate to the Finance section in your sidebar and select Overview. By default, this is the first page you’ll see.

🔄 Need to switch back to the old version? You can do so at any time. Head to Settings > Playground, and toggle off the new Finance Overview.

What’s in the New Finance Overview?

The Finance Overview displays a list of all your current children along with key billing information to help ensure smooth billing and payments. This information is organized into several columns, each with related actions.


This column shows the bill payer for each child and flags if any information is missing.

  1. Multiple payers: If a child has more than one payer, a +1 icon will appear next to the payer's name. Both payers have all the necessary information in place.

  2. Missing payer email: An exclamation mark (!) next to the payer’s name means that the payer is missing an email, which will block you from being able to send the invoice. Clicking on the icon allows you to add the email.

  3. Missing payer: If no bill payer has been assigned to the child, you’ll see an Add Payer button. You can add a bill payer by clicking on the button.

  4. One payer: The child has one payer with all the necessary information in place.

Payment Method

This column shows each payer's payment method, or highlights if none have been added. You and payers can only add payment methods once you have set up in-app payments for your site.

  • Autopay: This status means the payer has a payment method saved in Famly, and have automatic payments turned on. The invoice total and any outstanding balance will be automatically charged, transferred and reconciled.

  • Manual: This status indicates that the payer has a saved payment method in Famly, but they have not turned on automatic payments. When the payer receives an invoice, they will need to go the Famly app and click to Pay the invoice for the money to be transferred. The payments are automatically reconciled.

  • Missing: This means that the payer doesn't have a payment method saved in Famly. You can click on the Missing status to add one on their behalf. Related: How to add a payment method for bill payers


The plan column shows the child's active plan that contributes to the invoice, and more specifically it surfaces the name of the package or session the plan includes. Clicking on the row opens the side panel with the full breakdown of what the plan consists of, allowing you to make changes if needed.

  1. Plan consists of multiple packages and/or sessions: In this case, the most expensive package or session is displayed, and the count of the additional items is shown as an icon next to it. You can see the additional items by hovering over the icon.

  2. Missing plan: If a child doesn’t have a plan, you see an Add Plan button that opens a separate page for you to easily create a new plan.

  3. Plan consists of one package or session: The active plan only consists of one package or session, and the name of that item is show in the column.

  4. Upcoming plan: If the child does not have an active plan today, but does have an upcoming one (the plan start date is in the future), it will be shown as "From [plan start date]".

  5. On break: In case you have scheduled a break for a child, the status on the Finance Overview will say On Break.

Next Invoice

This column shows the total amount for the child’s upcoming invoice, based on their active plan and billing frequency. It will also show you the date when the invoice is planned to be sent.

  1. Your invoice will be sent automatically: Based on your automatic billing settings, the invoice will be sent on the date below the invoice total. The green dot indicates that everything is set up and the invoice will be sent to the payer automatically.

  2. Your invoice will be sent manually: The grey dot indicates that the invoice is sent manually. You have either disabled sending invoices automatically for your entire center in your Billing Basics settings or disabled it for a specific payer on the payer modal.

  3. The child is missing a plan: The field is empty if a child has no plan. Add a plan to see the invoice total.

  4. The payer is missing a billing frequency: The system is unable to calculate the invoice total as it does not know when the invoice is planned to be sent out. The next invoice column will say No set date. Add a billing frequency to the bill payer to see the invoice total.

  5. The child's plan start date is in the future: The light green dot indicates that the invoice is all set, but not to be sent during the next invoice run. In other words, the child has a plan, and the payer has a billing frequency, but the plan has not yet started. Once the plan starts, the invoice will be sent automatically.

  6. You use multiple billing frequencies: In case your site has enabled more than one billing frequency, you will see which billing frequency each invoice is on with a W (weekly) / B (bi-weekly) / M (monthly) letter next to the invoice due date.

Side Panel

The Side Panel lets you see detailed billing information for each child. It opens when you click on a row and allows you to take actions directly. It is meant for giving more context to the next invoice, and for taking further actions.

What Can you See?

  • A complete breakdown of the child's plan

  • Further details on the payers

What Actions Can you Take?

You can:

  • Open the child’s Billing tab by clicking on the child at the top

  • Open the Plan modal

  • View the Upcoming changes to the plan

  • Open the Bill payer modal

  • Manage Payment methods

You can also add a new bill payer from the side panel.

Bulk actions

The Finance Overview makes it easy to manage billing and other tasks for multiple children at the same time. To get started, go to the Finance Overview and select the children you want to manage by checking the boxes next to their names. Once selected, the bulk action bar will appear, giving you access to all available options. You can:

Send invoices in bulk

If you manage billing manually or have a few payers who aren’t on auto-billing, you can still send invoices directly from the Finance Overview:

  1. Select the children you want to bill.

  2. Click the Send invoice button in the bulk action bar.

☝️Note: The Send invoice button is disabled if a child doesn’t have an invoice ready to send. Use the Finance Overview to check what actions are needed to prepare the invoice.

💡 Did you know? Famly supports automatic billing. When you're ready to let us handle your billing, head over to Billing Basics and switch on automatic billing.

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