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How to manage Points
Updated over 4 months ago

To configure Fanbase Points and set the number of points distributed for various actions on Fanbase, follow these steps:

  1. Select the 'Club Settings' cog located on the top right of the Club Portal

  2. Select the 'Points' tab

You will see Default Points have already been set.

To amend the Default Points, use the editable boxes to change the number or switch on/off the toggle(s).

'Attendance: Attending a fixture or event'

Note that points will be awarded for Attendance when a fan either:

  • Scans in at the fixture / event

  • Or, Checks-in at the fixture / event (using Fanbase's Geolocation feature)

Note: Editing these values won't affect existing fixtures, season tickets or memberships. It will apply to newly created items.

Want to make changes to Points for specific fixtures or events?

You can manage the number of Points collected on specific fixtures or events by navigating to the fixture or event details page and selecting the following:

  • Manage

  • Manage points

  • Making changes to the points and clicking 'Save changes'

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