If you want to send a complimentary order containing tickets to a fan, follow the steps below. You can also issue a complimentary order to multiple fans in one go if you are not using a stadium map for the order.
On the dashboard, click 'New Order'
Select the Fixture/Event that you want this order to be for
Select Complimentary Order Type
Select the category of ticket (Standard or Hospitality) and the quantity of complimentary tickets
For allocating seating this will be using a seatmap
For general admission or hospitality this will be using the list of tickets
Once you have done this, you must select the recipient, which can either be:
Searching the fans list using name or email. To note - you can send the same order to multiple fans in one go if its not using allocated seating. Just keep adding them to the recipients list!
A Guest (email and name required)
You will then have the option of choosing a reason for issuing the complimentary order
To send the order, select 'Complete Order'
The fan will then receive the order via email
If you have any other questions about sending complimentary tickets, do not hesitate to get in touch at support@fanbaseclub.com