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How to uninstall the Fast Bundle app completely?
How to uninstall the Fast Bundle app completely?
Updated over a week ago

We are sorry that we couldn't be helpful to you by making you uninstall the Fast Bundle app. We are trying our best to make the app better and better and hope we can be part of your business soon.

If you uninstall the app, the app should get uninstalled completely and no code related to Fast Bundle should remain in your shop.

Just for some of the customers that have installed the app before September 2023, it's possible some piece of code still remains, and here is how to remove them.

1- Click on the Apps item in your main left menu and then click on the "App and sales channels settings" button.

2- Find the Fast Bundle app and click on the remove button and then click on the Delete button to remove the app from your shop. After these 2 steps, the app won't work on your shop anymore so it won't add any bundle on any of your pages. The next steps are needed to remove the additional codes we added to your theme.

3- Go to the “edit code” page of the theme. To achieve this on the Theme tab of your Shopify admin panel click on the ... button of your theme and then click on the “Edit code” option.

4- Open the theme.liquid file. Find the below code and remove it.

{% if content_for_header contains '' %}

{% render 'fast_bundle_service' %}

{% endif %}

5- From the sidebar menu that displays theme files, find the "Snippets" directory and open it. Then find the fast_bundle_service.liquid file and remove it.

6- From the sidebar menu, find the "Templates" directory and open it. Then find the product.fastbundle.json file and remove it.

IMPORTANT: Please note that when you uninstall the app, the "bundle as products" you made with the app still remain in your Shopify panel and you should delete them manually cause there is a risk that the bundle as products will be sold without real stock.

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